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发布时间:2019-07-06 11:48
[Abstract]:Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the goal of "two hundred years" put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping has become the driving force for all the Chinese people to work hard. The inheritance and promotion of national spirit plays an important role in the cohesion of Chinese power and for the great national rejuvenation. The spirit of the Chinese nation is gradually formed in the long process of social and historical development of the Chinese nation. It is the reflection of the social life of the people of all ethnic groups in China, the most essential and concentrated embodiment of Chinese culture, the cultural concentration of the way of life, ideal belief and values of all ethnic groups, the spiritual link, support and motive force on which the Chinese nation depends for its survival and development, and the national soul for innovating advanced socialist culture. Learning to explore the related concepts of national spirit and its historical context is helpful to strengthen the ideological position of contemporary young people and all members of society to attach importance to national spirit and consciously safeguard the spirit of the Chinese nation. In practice, taking colleges and social environment as the carrier, college students can firmly grasp historical knowledge, extensively inherit and carry forward the national spirit, and establish national self-esteem and self-confidence, which can resist the impact of various bad ideas to a certain extent, and play a good basic role in the prosperity and rejuvenation of the country. This paper focuses on the national spirit, with the inheritance and promotion of contemporary college students' national spirit as the main research content. The emphasis is on the concepts similar to the national spirit, the analysis of the present situation of the college students' national spirit, and the related influencing factors of the inheritance and promotion of the college students' national spirit. Based on the combination of theory and practice, this paper analyzes some aspects of people's real life, such as food, clothing, housing, transportation and so on, which have influence on the national spirit. Combined with the background and characteristics of the times, this paper analyzes the great influence of the spread of popular elements such as the Internet on people's ideology and national spirit, and puts forward some feasible countermeasures.


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