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发布时间:2019-07-06 14:05
【摘要】:近十几年来,通识教育逐渐成为大陆高等教育学界研究的热点话题。许多大学都进行了通识教育相关的课程与教学改革实践。改革需要理论作为先导。可是聚焦当前大陆通识教育方面的研究,多集中在对美国与日本等国家通识教育的相关研究。相较之下,与大陆一海相隔的台湾地区大学实施通识教育已经有数十年了,各大学也都探索出了适合自身发展的不同的通识教育课程实施模式。而且台湾地区大学在实施通识教育的过程将通识教育的理念与中华传统文化相融合,实现了通识教育的本土化,其在通识教育课程设置与管理方面也已积淀了许多有益的经验。 本文从课程与教学论的角度出发,运用个案研究法等教育科学研究方法,结合具体案例,以台湾地区大学通识教育课程设置与课程管理为研究对象,首先对台湾地区大学通识课程设置的发展历程进行了回顾并总结了特点;其次对台湾地区大学通识教育课程设置的理念和现状进行了分析,再次对台湾地区大学通识课程管理的现状进行了研究,最后在前面分析的基础上总结了台湾地区大学通识教育课程设置与管理方面的经验,并结合大陆地区通识课程实施的情况,提出了一些建议。 笔者认为,在通识课程设置方面,通识教育课程应具有明确的理念,课程目标应围绕理念来确立,注重培养学生的素养与能力,体现通识教育的内涵;通识课程的内容和结构应以通识教育课程设置的理论为基础,围绕理念和目标来设计;通识课程设置应摆脱模式化,结合本校实际,以最适合本校通识教育发展为目标来建构课程,通识课程门类应以理念为核心来进行划分;大学应兼顾发展正式通识课程与非正式通识课程;将通识课程与专业课程相结合;调整通识课程结构,合理安排共同必修课程与通识选修课程的学分比重。在通识课程管理方面,通识课程管理权力应趋向多元化,教育主管部门应将通识课程的管理权力更多地下放给大学;通识课程需要有专门的管理机构,通过制定相应的规章制度,为通识课程提供制度保障;应建立通识课程外部评鉴体系;通识教育课程与教学管理措施需要进一步完善,需建立专门的通识课程管理措施;通识课程应该建立严格的准入机制,同时实施适当的课程退出机制。总之,台湾地区大学通识教育课程设置与课程管理的经验实际上也是台湾地区大学通识教育本土化的经验。对共同文化背景下的台湾地区大学通识教育课程设置与课程管理的研究对于大陆地区大学未来发展通识教育的可鉴性更高,值得大陆地区大学借鉴与学习。 本论文共分为五章。 第一章绪论对本文研究背景与目的、研究方法以及基本概念做了界定。 第二章介绍了台湾地区大学通识教育实施的历史沿革。 第三章结合具体个案,对台湾地区大学通识教育的理念与目的以及课程设置的现状进行了考察,并总结其特点。 第四章对台湾地区大学通识教育课程管理的体制和机构、具体的管理措施和通识教育评鉴进行了研究。 第五章在前面几章研究的基础之上,总结了台湾地区大学通识教育课程设置与管理的相关经验,并结合大陆地区通识教育课程实施现状,提出了一些建议。
[Abstract]:In recent ten years, general education has become a new topic in the study of mainland higher education. Many universities have carried out the course of general education and the practice of teaching reform. The reform needs a theory as a guide. However, the focus of the research on the current continental general education is to focus on the relevant research on the general education of the countries such as the United States and Japan. In contrast, the university of Taiwan, which is separated from the mainland of China, has been carrying out general education for several decades, and universities have also explored different modes of implementation of the general education curriculum suitable for their own development. At the same time, in the process of carrying out the general education, the university of Taiwan area integrates the idea of general education and the traditional Chinese culture, and realizes the localization of the general education, and has accumulated a lot of useful experience in the establishment and management of the general education curriculum. From the angle of the course and the teaching theory, this paper uses the case study method and other educational scientific research methods to combine the specific cases, to study the course of general education and the management of the course in the university of Taiwan. In the first part, the paper reviews and summarizes the development course of the general education course of the Taiwan University, and then analyzes the concept and the present situation of the general education course of the Taiwan University, and then makes a research on the current situation of the general education course management in Taiwan. Finally, on the basis of the previous analysis, the author sums up the experience of the establishment and management of the general education course in Taiwan, and puts forward some construction in combination with the implementation of the general knowledge course in the mainland. The author holds that, in the aspect of general education, the general education course should have a clear idea, the course objective should be established around the concept, the students' quality and the ability should be emphasized, and the general education should be reflected. The content and structure of the general knowledge course should be based on the theory of general education curriculum, which is designed around the concept and the goal; the general knowledge curriculum should be set out of the formalization, combined with the actual situation of our school, to be built for the purpose of the general education and development of the school The course of the course and the general knowledge course should be divided by the core; the university should take into account the development of the formal general knowledge course and the informal general knowledge course, combine the general knowledge course with the specialized course, adjust the general knowledge course structure, reasonably arrange the study of the common compulsory course and the general elective course In the aspect of general management, the power of general course management should be more diversified, and the competent department of education should put the management power of the general course more underground to the university; the general knowledge course needs to have a special management organization, through the development of the corresponding rules and regulations, to provide the general knowledge course with the system Degree guarantee; the external evaluation system of general knowledge course should be established; the general education course and the teaching management measures need to be further improved, and special knowledge-based course management measures need to be established; the general knowledge course should establish a strict access mechanism, and implement the appropriate course In general, the experience of general education curriculum and course management in Taiwan is also the localization of general education in Taiwan. The experience of the study on the course of general education and the course management of the university of Taiwan in the common cultural background is more important for the development of the general education in the future of the university in the mainland, which is worth the reference of the university of the mainland. and learning. This paper This paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is the background and purpose of this paper, the research method and the basis The second chapter introduces the general knowledge of Taiwan University The third chapter discusses the concept and purpose of general education and the present situation of the course setting in the third chapter. The fourth chapter is about the system and mechanism of the course management of general education in Taiwan, and the specific management measures. The fifth chapter, on the basis of the previous studies, summarizes the relevant experience of the establishment and management of the general education course in Taiwan, and combines the knowledge and education in the mainland.


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