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发布时间:2019-07-06 14:39
【摘要】:近年来,产学联合(又称校企合作)人才培养模式的改革,让企业直接介入到人才培养的过程中,是培养新时期高技能人才的有力举措。一方面,它使高职院校的办学来源于工作实际内容,符合职业岗位的要求,贴近社会实践的变动;另一方面,它能使高职教育的教育实践与毕业生的职业转换、岗位变动和具体工作内容的变化紧密相连,实现更高水平的高职教育。因此,高职教育要形成特色、创出品牌,就必须使学院的整体教育与行业发展、企业需求、职业实践融为一体,走校企合作的道路。同时,社会经济转型,人才市场劳动力供求失衡、技能人才结构不够完善、总量难以满足企业用人需求的现状决定了加快职业教育发展进程、探索产学结合新模式、以职业院校和企业双赢带动教育和经济发展是解决当前就业、教育、用人问题瓶颈的新思路。 本文分析梳理了国内外学者在校企合作培养人才问题上的研究现状,阐述了本论文选题的目的和必要性。论文通过简要介绍校企合作的相关概念,将校企合作驱动因素分为企业层面驱动因素、院校层面驱动因素、社会组织层面驱动因素和政府层面驱动因素。并借助价值观和方法论的思路,对具体层面的因素进行了探讨。接下来,论文以N通信公司与A邮电职业学院(后简称邮电学院)为案例,介绍了它们的概况并简要总结了该校企合作的发展现状,如平台的搭建和合作模式的探索创新。在此基础上,揭示了校企合作中存在的问题,其中包括校企合作的共性问题包括观念问题、机制问题和实力问,A邮电学院校企合作的特殊问题包括学校的实训条件不足难以保证培养质量、学生就业能力与N通信公司用工需求未实现良好的对接、学校的师资问题和企业参与热情不足的问题。 最后,本文提出了基于N通信公司与A邮电学院的校企合作实施策略。首先是基于博弈理论的校企合作策略选择的分析,在此基础上为A邮电职业学校提供了可选择的校企联合人才培养模式(共建实训基地、订单融入、校企合一),并构建具有特色的高职教育校企合作长效机制和策略,进而为推动校企合作向纵深发展提出了具有可操作性的措施和建议。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the reform of the talent training mode of the combination of production and learning (also known as school-enterprise cooperation), so that enterprises can directly intervene in the process of talent training, is a powerful measure to cultivate high-skilled talents in the new period. On the one hand, it makes the running of higher vocational colleges come from the actual content of work, accords with the requirements of vocational posts and is close to the change of social practice; on the other hand, it can make the educational practice of higher vocational education closely related to the professional transformation of graduates, the change of posts and the change of specific work content, so as to realize a higher level of higher vocational education. Therefore, in order to form characteristics and create brands in higher vocational education, we must integrate the overall education of the college with the development of the industry, the needs of enterprises and professional practice, and take the road of school-enterprise cooperation. At the same time, the social and economic transformation, the imbalance between supply and demand of labor force in the talent market, the imperfect structure of skilled talents, and the fact that the total amount is difficult to meet the needs of enterprises determines that speeding up the development process of vocational education, exploring a new mode of combining production and learning, and promoting education and economic development with win-win results in vocational colleges and enterprises are new ideas to solve the bottleneck of current employment, education and employment problems. This paper analyzes and combs the research status of scholars at home and abroad on the cooperative training of talents between schools and enterprises, and expounds the purpose and necessity of this paper. This paper briefly introduces the related concepts of school-enterprise cooperation, and divides the driving factors of school-enterprise cooperation into enterprise-level driving factors, university-level driving factors, social organization-level driving factors and government-level driving factors. With the help of values and methodology, the specific factors are discussed. Next, taking N Communication Company and A Vocational College of posts and Telecommunications as an example, this paper introduces their general situation and briefly summarizes the development status of the school-enterprise cooperation, such as the construction of the platform and the exploration and innovation of the cooperation mode. On this basis, this paper reveals the problems existing in the cooperation between schools and enterprises, including the common problems of school-enterprise cooperation, including concept problems, mechanism problems and strength questions. The special problems of school-enterprise cooperation in A College of posts and Telecommunications include the lack of practical training conditions in schools to ensure the quality of training, the lack of good docking between students' employability and the employment needs of N communication companies, the problems of teachers in schools and the lack of enthusiasm for enterprises to participate in them. Finally, this paper puts forward the implementation strategy of school-enterprise cooperation based on N communication company and A post and telecommunications college. First of all, it is the analysis of the choice of school-enterprise cooperation strategy based on game theory. On this basis, it provides an optional joint talent training mode for A post and telecommunications vocational school (joint construction of training base, order integration, integration of school and enterprise), and constructs a long-term mechanism and strategy of school-enterprise cooperation with characteristics, and then puts forward operable measures and suggestions for promoting the further development of school-enterprise cooperation.


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