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发布时间:2019-07-27 09:47
[Abstract]:Innovative experimental research in college physics is an important aspect of experimental research, and the electrification of experimental equipment and tools is one of the characteristic directions. The key of digitization is to convert the measured physical quantity into voltage or current signal. From the point of view of digitization of the experiment, the design method of expansibility and innovative experiment in university physics experiment is introduced. Firstly, resistance sensor, ultrasonic sensor and Hall sensor are selected to convert the measurement into electric quantity, and then the signal is amplified and reshaped by conditioning circuit. Finally, the signal is recovered by electronic design method, and the signal processing results are sent to digital tube and LCD liquid crystal display for display.
【作者单位】: 赤峰学院电子与信息工程学院;赤峰学院建筑与机械工程学院;


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