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发布时间:2018-01-03 22:01

  本文关键词:高校课堂教学中学生经验的淡化与彰显 出处:《湖南师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 高校 课堂教学 中学生 经验 淡化 彰显

【摘要】:人才培养是高等教育的根本任务,大学课堂是培养人才的主要途径。高校课堂中对于人才培养的质量评估主要是通过对大学生的学习效果来体现。英国学者弗雷泽认为:高等教育的质量首先是指学生发展质量,即学生在整个学习过程中所“学”的东西,包括所知、所能以及态度。笔者浏览相关期刊文献发现:大部分的文献对高校课堂教学的研究是从教学目标、教学方法等方面来探讨,唯独有少量的文献是基于学生经验谈高校课堂的质量。在仅有的关于学生经验的文献中,主题大部分又是关于新生的就读经验:或者如何来选择学校就读的经验等方面来论述。 大学生们作为高校课堂教学中的主体,他并不是空着脑袋进入教室的。在进入教室之前,他已经具备了各种基本的理论知识和各种生活经验和技能,其之前的各种经验必定伴随着他一起进入课堂学习,所以他的以往的学生经验必定会影响课堂教学的效果。 但是目前我们的教育的主要宗旨是教人去追逐、适应、认识、掌握、发展外部物质世界,着力于教会人的是“何以为生”的知识和本领;因而忽略或放弃了“为何而生”的教育,不能让人们从人性、人生和人的生存意义与价值等根本问题上去认识和改变自己。① 总结得出经验的重要意义以及其被忽视的现状所以笔者试图从学生经验这个角度来探讨学生经验在高校课堂教学中的内涵,特点、淡化的表现形式和原因,然后在此基础上来探寻如何彰显学生经验的策略。 文章的正文包括四大部分: 第一部分:正文第一章首先对经验的内涵进行建构,以为后文的写作奠定理论基础。阅读了大量关于经验的著作的基础上梳理了各大学者对于经验的看法,经过分析和总结然后提出笔者对于经验内涵的理解,以及进一步指出内涵之外经验所体现出的特点。经验内涵的梳理是文章的主线,其贯穿了文章的始终。 第二部分:在第一部分内涵明确的基础上,根据经验的外延也即是特点来分析目前高校课堂教学中学生经验淡化的各种表现。笔者把经验放置于一堂具体的高校课堂教学中,其逻辑也是从一堂课所应该具备的几个方面来谈经验被淡化的表现。一堂完整的课堂应该具备以下五个部分:教学目标的设置、教学内容的选择、教学方法的使用、教学过程的开展以及教学评价,那么把经验置放于具体的高校课堂教学中也应该从这五个方面着手来谈其淡化的表现,因此这也是本文的一大亮点,这样既使得形而上的理论与形而下事物相统一,也更容易把握经验。 第三部分:经验之所以会被忽视或者淡化最重要的原因在于对其内涵的理解片面化或者错误。如果一开始连经验的基本内涵都无法正确把握的话,就不用谈如何去有效运用它了,其二是经验在生成和习得阶段的误用。在生成阶段,把经验与日常经验对等,从而阻断了经验进入课堂参与学习;在经验的习得阶段,把经验与科学知识对立,从而让知识未能转化为学生的经验;第三个原因是目前这种盛行的教育价值取向——功利化的价值取向:偏重于知识性目标而非学生经验的发展;第四个原因是从教师因素着手,教师的教育科学素养和教育教学能力同样是影响经验发展极其重要的因素。 第四部分:最后是文章的提对策部分,这部分是文章的点睛之笔。通过对原因的分析,来探讨如何有效地彰显高校课堂教学中学生的经验,使学生不仅学到知识,更学到各种内化的经验。对照原因提出的对策有:首先我们必须要科学地全面理解经验的内涵,这样才能更好地指导我们的教学实践活动;其次在经验的生成和习得过程中纠正对经验的误用,不能片面地或者窄化经验的内涵;其三就是需要转变目前功利化的教育价值取向,使其回归到一种自然的教育价值取向;最后重点是教师,因为不管再高深的教学理念最终都要通过教师才能落实到实际课堂教学中,因此对于教师素质的发展和教学能力的提高我们有必要再次提出。
[Abstract]:Talent training is the basic task of higher education, the university classroom is the main way to cultivate talents. The college classroom for quality evaluation of personnel training is mainly based on the students' learning effect to reflect. The British scholar Fraser said: first, the quality of higher education refers to the students the quality of development, namely the students "learning" in the whole study in the process of things, including knowledge, and attitude. The author can browse the relevant journals found: a study of classroom teaching in Colleges and universities most of the literature is from the teaching objectives, teaching methods and so on to investigate, only a small amount of literature is the quality of students in Colleges and Universities Based on the experience in the classroom. Only on the student experience in the literature, most of the theme is about the new learning experience: or how to choose the school experience and other aspects.
College students as the main body of classroom teaching in universities, he was not empty head into the classroom. Before entering class, he has a variety of basic theoretical knowledge and life experience and skills, experience before it must be accompanied by him into the classroom, so his previous experience will affect students the effect of classroom teaching.
But at present, our main aim of education is to teach people to pursue, adapt, understanding, grasp the development, external material world, focus on the church is "how to live" knowledge and skills; they ignore or give up "why" education, can not let people from the people, the fundamental problem of life and the meaning of human existence and value to realize and change yourself.
The connotation, significance and the status quo of the experience summed up neglected so the author tries to from the perspective of students experience to explore students' experience in college classroom teaching characteristics, forms and reasons of desalination, and then to explore how to demonstrate the strategy of students' experience.
The main body of the article consists of four parts:
The first part: the first chapter on the connotation of construction experience, that lay a theoretical foundation for the following writing. On the basis of reading a large amount of work experience on combing the various views on the University experience, through analyzing and summing up the experience of the author and for the understanding of the connotation, and further pointed out that the characteristics embodied the connotation experience. Experience is the connotation of the main line, which runs through the articles.
The second part: Based on the first part of the connotation clear, according to the extension of the experience that is to analyze the characteristics of various manifestations of current middle school students experience in classroom teaching. The author placed desalination experience in classroom teaching in a specific, it is logical to talk about experience was out of performance from several aspects should have a class. A complete class should have the following five parts: setting the goal of teaching, teaching content selection, teaching methods, teaching process and teaching evaluation carried out, so the experience is placed in the specific classroom teaching in Colleges and universities should also talk about the desalination performance from these five aspects. So this is a major highlight of this paper, which makes the theory of metaphysical and the unity of things, is also easier to grasp the experience.
The third part: the experience will be ignored or downplayed the most important reason lies in the understanding of the essence of one-sided or wrong. If you start the basic connotation of even the experience can not correctly grasp the words, do not talk about how to effectively use it, the other is the misuse of experience in the generation and acquisition stage. In the generation stage, experience equivalence and daily experience, thereby blocking the experience into the classroom to participate in the study; in the acquisition stage experience, experience and scientific knowledge of opposites, so that knowledge did not translate into students' experience; the third reason is the value orientation of education value orientation of the current popular - utilitarian: emphasis on the development in knowledge target instead of student experience; the fourth reason is to proceed from the teachers, teachers' scientific literacy education and teaching ability is also extremely important influence of development experience Factors.
The fourth part is countermeasures: the last part of the article, this part is the punchline. Through the analysis of the causes, to explore how to effectively highlight the students in the teaching experience, the students not only learn knowledge, learn more experience. The control countermeasures of various internalizing reasons: first of all we must scientific connotation a comprehensive understanding of experience, so as to better guide our education activities; secondly in the generation and acquisition experience in correcting the misuse of experience, not one-sided or narrow connotation of experience; the three is the need to change the educational value orientation the utilitarian, to return to a natural value of education the focus is on the teacher orientation; finally, because no matter how advanced teaching idea will eventually be put into practice in the classroom teaching by teachers, so the teacher's quality It is necessary for us to put forward the development and the improvement of teaching ability.



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