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  本文关键词:和谐视域下大学生道德的审视与构建 出处:《西北大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 和谐 大学生道德 审视 建构

【摘要】:众所周知,大学生道德教育的重要性不容忽视,而近年来在高校中大学生道德教育层面出现的道德责任感欠缺、道德自我发展缺失、信任危机、伦理困惑等问题也日益成为社会各界关注的焦点。对此,本文力求以“和谐”视域来审视和构建大学生道德教育问题,不仅对“与时俱进”和谐观做了系统阐述,还通过对当代大学生道德教育中存在的问题及原因进行了剖析。之后,在解决对策中,本文通过一个模型向大家展示了在整个高校道德教育中,社会、学校、家庭、大学生自身所处的地位和作用,并通过具体分析提出了一系列解决对策,希望能够为大学生道德教育提供一定的建议。 全文主要分三大部分: 第一部分:和谐:大学生道德审视的视域 关于“和谐”,本文主要从传统和现代意义两个层面着手,主要分析的是我国对于“和谐”一词的理解和主张。旨在表现出“与时俱进”和谐观的进步性,进而提出了用“和谐”视域审视大学生道德的理论基础和必要性、迫切性问题。 第二部分:大学生道德层面存在问题及其成因 本文在本章首先对大学生道德教育的现状进行了概括性总结,认为从总体上来说还是积极向上的,只是一部分学生存在一些道德问题,像道德责任感欠缺、缺乏道德自我发展、诚信危机等问题。而在具体分析成因时,本文也主要围绕这些问题展开了讨论。 第三部分:和谐视域下大学生道德的构建 在本章中,本文主要从社会、学校、家庭、大学生自身这四个方面就大学生道德问题提出了一些对策,具体从四个方面进行分析:一是社会是大学生道德构建的外部环境;二是学校是大学生道德教育的主要场所;三是家庭是大学生道德养成的亲情氛围;四是个人是大学生道德提升的主体因素。
[Abstract]:As we all know, the importance of moral education of college students can not be ignored, but in recent years in the moral education of college students in the level of moral responsibility, lack of moral self-development, trust crisis. Ethical confusion and other issues have increasingly become the focus of attention from all walks of life. In response to this, this paper tries to examine and construct the moral education of college students from the perspective of "harmony". Not only to "keep pace with the times" the harmonious view has made the systematic elaboration, also through to the contemporary university student moral education existence question and the reason has carried on the analysis. After, in the solution countermeasure. This paper shows the status and function of society, school, family and college students in the whole moral education of colleges and universities through a model, and puts forward a series of solutions through concrete analysis. Hope to provide some suggestions for moral education of college students. The thesis is divided into three parts: The first part: harmony: the Perspective of moral examination of College students About "harmony", this article mainly starts from the traditional and the modern meaning two aspects, mainly analyzes our country to "harmonious" the word understanding and the idea, aims to display "keeps pace with the time" the harmonious view progress. Furthermore, this paper puts forward the theoretical basis and necessity of examining college students' morality from the perspective of harmony. The second part: the existing problems and their causes in the moral level of college students In this chapter, the author summarizes the current situation of moral education of college students, and thinks that it is positive, only some students have some moral problems, such as lack of moral responsibility. Lack of moral self-development, credit crisis and so on, and in the specific analysis of the causes, this paper also focuses on these issues. The third part: the Construction of College students' morality from the Perspective of Harmony In this chapter, this paper mainly from the social, school, family, college students themselves these four aspects of the moral problems of college students put forward some countermeasures. It is analyzed from four aspects: first, society is the external environment for the moral construction of college students; Second, the school is the main place of moral education for college students; Third, family is the kinship atmosphere of moral cultivation of college students; Fourth, the individual is the main factor of the moral promotion of college students.


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