发布时间:2018-01-07 09:06
本文关键词:中国近代教会大学医学教育研究(1866-1936) 出处:《河北大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 教会大学 医学教育 西方传教士 近代中国 教育制度
【摘要】:1834年西方教会派遣的第一位传教士医生抵达中国,“医学传教”事业正式拉开帷幕。随着教会在华医疗事业的发展,医学教育也作为传播基督教的方式和手段之一逐渐提上日程。在传教士的不懈努力下,教会建立起一批医学教育机构,引领了中国西医教育的发展。尽管教会创建医学教育的根本目的在于传播福音,教会医学校在课程设置和活动安排上也带有着浓厚的宗教色彩,但在客观上,教会医学教育为中国带来了先进的西医知识、医学教育体系以及医学教育模式。教会大学的医学教育采用精英教育模式,在课程设置上系统而全面,重视课堂实验和临床见习、实习,考核标准严格,对学生要求极高。教会大学为中国培养了第一批西医人才,这些医学精英成为中国现代医学的“火种”,在医学各领域发挥着领军作用,为中国现代医疗事业的发展奠定了基础,做出了不可磨灭的贡献。进入20世纪后,中国时局发生了巨大变化,新思想获得广泛传播,政府和个人逐渐认识到了医学教育的重要性,建立起了一批官办和私营的医学教育机构。而此时的教会医学教育受到中国革命的冲击,其扮演的传教角色与教育角色之间不可调和的矛盾日益尖锐,严重制约自身发展。随后抗战爆发,教会学校仓促转移到西部,发展受挫。新中国成立后,教会高等学校被全部接收,,经院系调整后改为公办,教会大学正式成为历史。 本文以中国近代教会大学医学教育为研究对象,考察其从产生到抗战爆发前的发展变化。文章共分为四个部分:第一部分对近代中国教会大学的医学教育进行总体描述和梳理;第二部分从教育目的、管理体制、经费来源和教学活动的角度详细地对教会大学医学教育进行分析和论证;第三部分以北京协和医学院为个案,丰富并立体化刻画教会大学医学教育的具体形态;第四部分简要总结教会大学医学教育对我国医学教育产生的影响和反思。本文对我国近代时期教会大学医学教育进行了详细描述、分析和刻画,以期还原动荡年代教会大学医学教育的原貌,探索其存在的深远意义和作用。
[Abstract]:The doctor first missionaries in 1834 the Western church dispatched to arrive Chinese, "medical missionary career officially kicked off. With the development of the church medical enterprise in China, medical education as one of the ways and means of dissemination of Christianity gradually put on the agenda. In the unremitting efforts, the church established a number of medical education institutions, leading the development of western education in Chinese. Although the fundamental purpose of medical education is to create the church gospel missionary medical school, also with a strong religious color in the curriculum and activities, but in fact, the church brought western knowledge of advanced medical education for China, medical education system and medical education mode of medical education. The Church University elite education mode, the curriculum system and comprehensive attention, classroom experiment and clinical practice, practice, strict assessment criteria, to Students' requirements. The church university trained the first batch of Western medicine talents for China, these elite medical Chinese become modern medicine "fire" in the field of medicine plays a leading role, which laid the foundation for the development of modern China medical career, made an indelible contribution. After entering in twentieth Century, great changes have taken place in the Chinese new ideas, widely spread, the government and people gradually realize the importance of medical education, set up a number of official and private medical education institutions. Medical education at the church by Chinese revolutionary impact between the missionary role and education the role of irreconcilable contradictions are becoming increasingly acute, serious constraints the development of itself. Then the outbreak of the war, the church schools rush to move to the west, the development of new Chinese frustrated. After the establishment of church colleges and universities were all received, adjusted by the Department after the change To be public, church universities have officially become history.
The medical education of church universities in modern Chinese as the research object, study its from before the outbreak of the war the development and changes. The article is divided into four parts: the first part is about the general description and medical education on modern universities China; the second part management system from the purpose of education, teaching activities, and sources of funding with the angle of medical education in the Church University are analyzed and proved; the third part of the Beijing Union Medical College as a case, the rich and three-dimensional characterization of specific forms of medical education; the fourth part briefly summarizes the influence of medical education on the Church University Medical Education in China and reflection. This paper has carried on the detailed description of modern universities during the period of medical education in our country, analysis and description, in order to restore the age of turbulence Church University Medical Education of the original, explore the profound meaning of its existence And effect.
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