本文关键词: 和谐 稳定 高校维稳 高校维稳运行理性模式 出处:《燕山大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:稳定已经成为世界各国各个领域共同追求的目标。只有在稳定中才能求生存求发展,经济的迅速发展需要稳定的市场环境,政治的团结一致需要稳定的社会环境,整个世界的发展需要每个国家都保持各自稳定的环境,确保每个国家都能健康持续的发展。高校的维稳作为社会维稳的重要组成部分,在以和谐发展为主题的新时期,高校的维稳需要按照其自身特点的理性运行模式进行。本文以如何构建高校维稳运行理性模式为研究内容,运用系统归纳法和资料分析法进行相关研究工作。 本文的主要内容分为以下三个方面: 第一部分是对稳定、和谐的概念及二者与高校建设的关系等问题进行研究,并详细分析了当今高校维稳出现怎样的困境,为以后探寻解决的方法提供方向。 第二部分从高校的内外两部分进行原因上的探寻,主要从高校内部维稳制度、机制、供需矛盾和大学生心理等方面的原因造成维稳的难度增加,高校外部因素主要有复杂的国际环境的影响、西方价值观念的冲击以及高等教育越来越向趋利性的方向发展等原因,,在内外原因共同作用下,使得高校的维稳进入了举足不前的僵局和困境。 第三部分是经过对前两章节的深入分析后,提出了应该如何解决高校维稳困境的方式方法,认为我们应该在充分认识高校维稳必要性后,以构建维稳的长效运行机制作为工作的重点,建立“防控”和“预警”相结合的长效机制,高校在注重提高自身管理能力的同时增加对大学生心理方面的关注,努力增加就业实习岗位等,都必将对高校的稳定和安全和谐发展做出巨大的推动作用和贡献。
[Abstract]:Stability has become a common goal in all fields of the world. Only in stability can we seek survival and development, and the rapid economic development needs a stable market environment. Political solidarity requires a stable social environment, and the development of the world as a whole requires that each country maintain its own stable environment. To ensure the healthy and sustainable development of every country. As an important part of social stability, the stability of colleges and universities is in the new period with the theme of harmonious development. The maintenance stability of colleges and universities needs to be carried out according to their own characteristics of rational operation mode. This paper takes how to construct the rational mode of maintaining stable operation of colleges and universities as the research content, and makes use of system induction method and data analysis method to carry on the related research work. The main content of this paper is divided into the following three aspects: The first part is to study the concepts of stability and harmony and the relationship between them and the construction of colleges and universities. The second part explores the reasons from the internal and external part of the university, mainly from the internal maintenance system, mechanism, supply and demand contradictions and college students psychological reasons to increase the difficulty of maintaining stability. The external factors of colleges and universities are mainly influenced by the complex international environment, the impact of western values and the development of higher education towards the direction of profit, and so on, under the joint action of internal and external reasons. The stability of colleges and universities has entered the deadlock and dilemma. The third part is after the in-depth analysis of the first two chapters, put forward how to solve the dilemma of maintaining stability in colleges and universities, and think that we should fully understand the necessity of maintaining stability in colleges and universities. In order to build a stable long-term operation mechanism as the focus of the work, the establishment of "prevention and control" and "early warning" of the long-term mechanism, colleges and universities pay attention to improve their own management ability at the same time to increase the psychological attention of college students. Efforts to increase the number of internship positions will make a great contribution to the stability and safety and harmonious development of colleges and universities.
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