发布时间:2018-02-12 10:25
本文关键词: 多元文化 大学生 民族认同感 出处:《华中师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:在经济全球化浪潮的推动下,我国社会生活发生了巨大的变化。在文化领域主要表现为各种思想文化相互碰撞,打破了原来单一、封闭的状态,出现了多元化的趋势。在这种情况下,对于大学生这样一个对各种思想观念嬗变极为敏感的群体,势必受到多元文化这把“双刃剑”的影响。一方面,在多元文化背景下,各种思想文化势必繁荣发展,对大学生而言,既开阔了眼界又能充分发挥其主体性。另一方面,随着外来文化的不断冲击,以美国为首的西方发达资本主义国家更是加紧以各种手段和方式对我国实行“西化”“分化”,以各种形式向我国输出其意识形态、思想文化、生活方式和价值观念,使正在成长的大学生更加困惑和混乱,他们在心理上和思想上容易认同全球意识、确立国际观念,中华民族的认同意识逐渐淡化。为保证我国社会经济的健康发展,必须培养和增强大学生的民族认同感,以促进我国社会主义和谐社会的建设。 文章的研究采取问卷调查法、文献研究法、访谈法,通过对大学生民族认同感现状的分析,探索在多元文化背景下,面对外来文化的冲击,如何加强和改进我国高校民族认同教育,以培育大学生的民族认同感,规范大学生的爱国行为,把他们培养成中国特色社会主义现代化事业的建设者和接班人。全文由导论和主体部分两大部分组成。导论部分重点介绍大学生民族认同感研究的相关背景、研究意义、国内外研究现状、研究思路、研究方法以及文章的侧重点和创新之处。主体部分包括三章内容。第一章主要是对文章所涉的重要概念进行学理澄清,这一部分主要涉及到文化与多元文化,认同与民族认同以及与之相关的概念。第二章主要以调查问卷为根据,通过问卷反馈回来的数据具体分析在多元文化背景下大学生民族认同感的现状,总结了多元文化背景下大学生民族认同感的总体特征,探讨了制约大学生民族认同感的因素,包括外来文化、网络文化、青年流行文化与社会大众文化、历史虚无主义思潮等。第三章提出了多元文化背景下培养和增强大学生民族认同感的原则,即用社会主义核心价值观引领大学生的主流文化和辩证对待外来文化,增强文化自觉和文化自信这两方面,提出了包括加强民族历史的教育和学习、营造语言学习的文化环境、加强传统文化教育、提升民族精神教育的质量等内容在内的对策。
[Abstract]:Driven by the tide of economic globalization, great changes have taken place in the social life of our country. In the field of culture, various kinds of ideology and culture collide with each other, breaking the original single and closed state. There has been a trend of pluralism. In this case, for a group of college students who are extremely sensitive to the evolution of various ideas and concepts, they are bound to be influenced by the "double-edged sword" of multiculturalism. On the one hand, in the context of multiculturalism, All kinds of ideology and culture are bound to flourish and develop. For college students, they can broaden their horizons and give full play to their subjectivity. On the other hand, with the continuous impact of foreign culture, The western developed capitalist countries, led by the United States, have stepped up their efforts to "westernize" and "divide" our country by various means and ways, and exported their ideology, ideology, culture, way of life and values to our country in various forms. In order to ensure the healthy development of China's social economy, the growing college students are more confused and confused. They can easily identify with the global consciousness, establish the international concept, and gradually dilute the identity consciousness of the Chinese nation, in order to ensure the healthy social and economic development of our country. It is necessary to cultivate and strengthen the national identity of college students in order to promote the construction of a harmonious socialist society in China. Through the analysis of the present situation of college students' national identity, this paper explores the impact of foreign culture in the context of multiculturalism, by means of questionnaire survey, literature research, interview, and the analysis of the status quo of college students' national identity. How to strengthen and improve the education of national identity in colleges and universities in our country, in order to cultivate the national identity of college students and standardize the patriotic behavior of college students, The thesis consists of two parts: the introduction and the main part. The introduction focuses on the background and significance of the research on the national identity of college students. Domestic and foreign research status, research ideas, research methods, emphasis and innovation of the article. The main part consists of three chapters. The first chapter is mainly to clarify the important concepts involved in the article. This part mainly involves culture and multiculturalism, identity and national identity and related concepts. Based on the data returned from the questionnaire, this paper analyzes the present situation of college students' national identity under the multicultural background, summarizes the overall characteristics of the college students' national identity under the multicultural background, and probes into the factors that restrict the college students' national identity. It includes foreign culture, network culture, popular youth culture and social popular culture, historical nihilism, etc. The third chapter puts forward the principles of cultivating and strengthening college students' national identity under the background of multiculturalism. That is, leading the mainstream culture of college students with socialist core values and treating foreign cultures dialectically, strengthening cultural consciousness and cultural self-confidence, and putting forward the following two aspects: strengthening education and learning of national history and creating a cultural environment for language learning. Strengthen the traditional culture education, improve the quality of national spirit education and other measures.
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