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  本文选题:英语教育硕士 切入点:教育实习 出处:《山东师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:2005年起国家教育部大力提倡专业硕士招生,意在培养实践性高、与经济社会发展高度切合、具备高学历和独立研究能力的高层次专业性人才。相比学术型硕士,专业型硕士更加注重知识的应用性和实践性。顾名思义,教育硕士,就是以培养既有浓厚专业知识涵养和超强教育教学能力的教育人才为目标,不断为中小学输送具有独立科研能力的教学能手,全面建设中小学师资队伍。2008年,全国招收教育硕士的高等院校扩大到57所。专业学位的普及力度得到了国家和各地区院校的广泛重视。由于是新生事物,再加上社会各界对专业硕士的褒贬不一,使得专业硕士学位的发展不可避免出现诸多问题。对于以强调应用性、实践性著称的专业硕士来说,教育实习本应得到极大的重视,可现实情况却不尽人意。无论是出于中国高等教育改革的需要,还是应对中小学师资队伍建设的要求,作为教师专业化进程中至关重要的一步,教育实习现状的改革势在必行。 本文在研习教育实习的哲学、心理学和教育学理论基础上,以教师专业化发展趋势为着落点,分别从理论基础、实践模式、教育实习监督与评价三个方面综述国内外关于高校教育实习的研究现状。同时采用问卷调查法、访谈法、跟踪调查法等研究方法,以高校英语教育硕士学生231人为研究对象,分析教育实习中存在的各种问题,并初步探析问题出现的原因并给予一定的改革建议。根据本文的调查结果,高校英语教育硕士教育实习确实存在很多的问题,如实习时间较短,实习上课次数少;实习模式较为单一、传统;缺少实习基地或者实习基地建设不到位;缺少校内外实习老师的指导;实习监督机制不够合理完善等。针对上述教育实习中出现的这些问题,本文从专业学位的课程设置、教育实习的体制、校方和学生的主客观因素入手,提出了较为实际的建议,希望能给后续研究提供一定的参考价值。
[Abstract]:Since 2005, the national Ministry of education advocated graduate enrollment, to the training of practical, economic and social development height, with high level of education and the independent research ability and high-level professional talents. Compared with the academic master, the application and practice of professional master, pay more attention to knowledge. As the name implies, master of education, is to cultivate both have strong professional knowledge and strong teaching ability education talents as the goal, constantly conveying with independent research ability teaching in primary and secondary schools, the comprehensive construction of primary and secondary school teachers.2008 years, colleges and universities all over the country to recruit master of education expanded to 57. The professional degree of popularity has been paid extensive attention to the country and the in Colleges and universities. As a new thing, coupled with the social from all walks of life to master the mixed development inevitably makes a lot of professional master degree For the problem. To emphasize the application and practice of famous master, education practice should have received considerable attention, but the reality was not perfect. Both the need for China reform of higher education, or to the construction of teachers in primary and middle schools as the most important requirement, the specialization of teachers in one step, it is imperative to reform the present teaching practice.
Based on the study of education practice philosophy, psychology and education theory, to teachers' professional development trend for placement, respectively, from the basic theory of practice, education practice mode, research about the college education practice summarizes the three aspects of supervision and evaluation. At the same time interview using questionnaire method, investigation method, tracking research methods in College English education 231 students as the research object, analyzing various problems existing in the education practice, and preliminary analysis of the problems and gives some suggestions. According to the results of this paper, the existence of many problems in practice of Master Education in English education, such as practice for a short time, practice the class number is less; practice mode is single, the traditional lack of practice base; or the practice base construction is not in place; the lack of internal and external training teacher guidance; practice supervision Supervision mechanism is not reasonable perfect. In the teaching practice of these problems, this article from the professional degree curriculum system, teaching practice, the school and the student's subjective and objective factors, puts forward the practical suggestions, hoping to provide a reference value for the follow-up study.



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