本文选题:未就业高校毕业生 切入点:失业救助 出处:《东北大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of higher education in our country, more and more students enter universities and receive higher education. Through higher education, they get rich cultural knowledge. To become a highly educated and highly educated person in society. Normally, they have a high stock of human capital and should have more opportunities in their career choices. Because the economic and social development can not meet the needs of the rapid growth of college graduates, coupled with the impact of the global economic situation is not optimistic, college graduates have also become a member of the difficult group of employment. The unemployment problem also appears. The unemployment of college graduates does not transform knowledge into productivity, which affects the realization of individual value of college graduates, the enthusiasm of family investment in higher education and the harmony between family members. In the long run, it also has a negative effect on the progress and stability of the whole society. In recent years, unemployment assistance policies for unemployed college graduates have followed in order to solve the problem of employment difficulties for graduates. It plays an important role in protecting the basic life of graduates and promoting the employment of graduates. Firstly, this paper expounds the background and purpose of the research on unemployment assistance policy, mainly using the policy analysis method and the literature analysis method to do the research. On the basis of the policies on unemployment assistance for unemployed college graduates promulgated by the General Office of the State Council and other government departments, this paper compares and combs the policies issued, from the unemployment registration system, the employment probation system, the post assistance system, From the public employment service system to the entrepreneurship support system, we look for the policy provisions of various systems, analyze the policies in depth, explore the problems existing in the various systems of unemployment relief policy, and put forward some countermeasures and suggestions for the corresponding problems. In order to improve the unemployment assistance policy for unemployed college graduates and better play the unemployment assistance policy to promote the employment of unemployed college graduates.
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