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发布时间:2018-04-08 13:13

  本文选题:大学生 切入点:网络行为 出处:《扬州大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:生产力和科学技术的快速发展,以网络的出现和使用为标志,人类迈入了全新的信息时代。网络已经深入到社会的方方面面,越来越多的人花越来越多的时间使用着网络。自互联网在来到中国,大学生便成为网络使用的主要群体。据中国互联网络信息中心所做的《中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》所显示:10-29岁的青少年成为中国互联网使用的主体,比例高达56.5%。而《2009年中国青少年网上行为调查报告》的调查结果显示:网民中19-24岁的年网民最集中,达到50%,可见大学生网民是网络使用群体中最活跃的群体,该群体在大部分网络功能上的使用率都达到最高。互联网不仅改变了大学生的生活方式,也在影响了大学生的心理及行为。本文在前人研究的基础上,探讨网络时代背景下大学生网络行为与其心理健康方面的相关关系,为新时期、新形势下的大学生网络心理健康教育提供一些实证依据。 本文主要采用文献研究法、访谈法和问卷调查法。通过查阅已有的相关书籍、论文和研究报告,总结有关网络行为的有关研究,进行一定程度上的概括和总结,在此基础上提出假设。问卷调查法采用纸质问卷和网络问卷相结合的方法进行。问卷回收并录入数据,用SPSS16.0统计软件分析问卷调查的数据,主要进行Pearson积差相关和多元线性回归分析,最后针对文中提出的假设得出结论。 本文通过研究得出以下结论和一个表示网络行为与心理健康之间关系的回归方程: (1)网龄与心理健康中的躯体化层面有正相关性,与恐怖层面有负相关性,在0.05水平上有显著性; (2)平均每周上网次数与心理健康的其他层面有负相关性,在0.01水平上有显著性,平均每周上网次数与心理健康的其他9个层面以及总分都没有显著的相关性; (3)平均每周上网时间与心理健康的各层面均无任何显著的相关性; (4)上网目的总分与心理健康中的躯体化、强迫症状、人际敏感、抑郁、敌对、其他、总分等层面在0.05水平上有显著的负相关性,个别项目的负相关性在0.01水平上也达到显著水平; (5)主要使用的网络功能总分与其心理健康的各层面及总分均不存在任何的显著相关性,但是,网络功能各子项目与心理健康各层面存在不同程度的显著相关性; (6)网络行为依赖程度中的耐受性、人际健康学业、强迫性、戒断性、突显性、时间管理问题所有层面与心理健康中的所有层面在0.01水平上都存在显著的正相关性,而且有的项目之间呈现了较高的正相关性,例如,强迫症状与戒断性、敌对与强迫性以及网络行为依赖程度总分与心理健康总分之间都有较高的正相关性; (7)心理健康总分=74.271+15.995×性别+14.076×各类信息查询+9.484×网络游戏+3.339×强迫性+2.154×戒断性+1.841×人际健康学业-9.298×学生来源-8.475×电子邮件-7.809×学习知识技能-5.839×休闲娱乐-3.917×网络电话-2.845×结交志趣相投的朋友。
[Abstract]:The rapid development of productivity and science and technology, with the advent of the Internet and use as a symbol, mankind has entered a new era of information. The Internet has penetrated into all aspects of society, more and more people spend more and more time using the network. Since the Internet came in China, students have become the main groups of the network. According to the development status of the Chinese Internet Network Information Center "China statistical report on Internet > shows: 10-29 year olds Chinese become the subject of the use of the Internet, the proportion of up to 56.5%. and <2009 for Chinese youth online survey for the investigation report" shows: Internet users at the age of 19-24 years of Internet users the most concentrated, reached 50% visible, Internet use is the college students the most active community groups, the groups used in most of the network function of the rate were the highest. The Internet has not only changed the University Students The way of life, also affect the psychological and behavior of college students. Based on the previous research, to investigate the relationship between the background of network of university students' network behaviors and mental health, for the new period, college students' Psychological Health Education under the new situation to provide some empirical evidence.
This paper mainly adopts the literature research method, interview method and questionnaire method. By consulting the previous related books, papers and research reports, summarize the relevant research about network behavior, to a certain extent summary, based on this hypothesis. Questionnaire survey method and mining method combined with the paper questionnaire and network questionnaire.. questionnaires and input data, the analysis of the survey data using SPSS16.0 statistical software, mainly Pearson correlation and multiple linear regression analysis, finally proposed the hypothesis of the conclusion.
In this paper, the following conclusions and a regression equation that indicate the relationship between network behavior and mental health are derived.
(1) there is a positive correlation between the age of the net and the somatization level in mental health, negative correlation with the horror level, and a significant level in the 0.05 level.
(2) there was a negative correlation between the number of weekly Internet surfing and other aspects of mental health. There was a significant correlation at the 0.01 level. There was no significant correlation between the number of times per week and the other 9 levels of mental health as well as the total score.
(3) there is no significant correlation between the average weekly Internet time and all levels of mental health.
(4) there was a significant negative correlation between the total score of Internet access and somatization, obsessive compulsive symptoms, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, hostility, total score and other 0.05 levels in mental health, and the negative correlation of individual items reached a significant level at 0.01 level.
(5) there is no significant correlation between the total score of network function and mental health level and total score. However, there are significant correlations between each sub level of network function and mental health.
(6) the network behavior depends on the degree of tolerance, compulsive, interpersonal and health studies, withdrawal, salience, time management problems in all aspects of all levels and mental health in have a significantly positive correlation at the 0.01 level, and showed a positive correlation, the higher some projects for example, obsessive-compulsive symptoms with the withdrawal, have a higher positive correlation between hostility and compulsive and network addiction score and mental health score;
(7) mental health score =74.271+15.995 * +14.076 * sex all kinds of information of +9.484 * +3.339 * +2.154 network game forced withdrawal of +1.841 * * * -9.298 interpersonal and health studies of -8.475 * -7.809 * e students learn knowledge and skills of -5.839 * -3.917 * -2.845 entertainment network telephone * to meet like-minded people.



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