本文选题:高校 + 受处分学生 ; 参考:《长江大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:大学生是“天之骄子”、“时代宠儿”。大学生是备受社会瞩目的青年群体中的优秀代表,是追寻社会文明的先锋角色,他们的思想政治素质和道德品质的高低直接影响到中国社会的发展与中华民族的伟大复兴。高校受处分大学生是一个特殊的群体,他们是一种行为弱势群体。虽然高校受处分学生不占高校学生弱势群体的主流地位,更不占高校学生的主流地位,但是高校受处分学生的思想政治教育研究有其不可取代的意义。本文将在厘清该课题相关概念的基础上,沿着从理论到实践,从原因到对策的逻辑路线,阐述新世纪高校受处分学生思想政治教育的必要性和可行性,探讨高校受处分学生思想政治教育中的不足,并为新世纪高校受处分学生思想政治教育提出了可操作性对策。本文共分为五个部分。其中第一部分为绪论。 第二部分:介绍了新世纪、学生违纪行为、高校学生处分、高校学生处分权、高校思想政治教育等概念的内涵及其关系。“新世纪”是本课题研究的时代背景;高校学生违纪行为是逻辑起点,高校受处分学生是本研究的对象,高校学生处分行为和高校思想政治教育是本研究的核心概念。关于“高校学生违纪行为”的定义有很多,本人将学生违纪行为定义为学生扰乱学校正常教学管理秩序,影响其他学生正常校园学习生活的违反校纪校规的行为。学生违纪不一定会被处分,比如轻微的违纪,但是学生被处分一定是因为他/她从事了违纪行为。“高校受处分学生”的涵义具有广泛性,本文主要取其狭义,是指从事了国家法律规定的刑事案件定罪标准以下的,违反《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法》或者违反校纪校规,受到了处分,仍然在校接受普通高等学历教育的本科生。“高校学生处分”,是学校为维护正常教学秩序、完成教学任务,根据学校规章制度对违反校纪校规的学生进行教育管理。它是挽救和教育学生本人,同时教育、警告其他学生的一种手段,具有教育和管理职能。学校的处分等级分为:警告、严重警告、记过、留校察看、劝退或开除学籍。“高校处分权”是指学校根据法定事由和法定程序做出的损害学生受教育权,或者使学生丧失受教育权的权力,是学校对学生受教育权的一种强制性限制。因此高校处分权不仅包括对违法、违规、违纪学生的纪律处分权,还包括高校在学籍管理中令学生“退学”的处分权。本文中的受处分学生主要指的是受到警告、严重警告、记过、留校察看等“纪律处分”在校本科生,不包括受到退学和开除学籍处分的学生。这些概念的厘清与界定为全文研究奠定了理论基础。 第三部分:多角度阐释了新世纪高校受处分学生思想政治教育的必要性和可行性。其必要性在于:第一,从高校受处分学生现状和处分效果的分析情况来看,高校受处分学生的数量有日益上升的趋势,而且处分并不能对所有学生起到教育的效果。第二,处分本身是被动、消极的,可能会对被教育者造成危机,危机本身既有不平衡的危险,也存在成长的契机。’如何使这种“惩罚性”教育手段更有效,避免导致消极后果,变危机为契机,收到预期的正面教育效果,受处分后的后续思想政治教育将是一种选择。第三,高校处分是高校的一种教育管理手段,既然是管理,就不得不提到一个著名的管理定律“水桶原理”,短板即劣势部分往往决定整个组织的水平。高校受处分学生是高校行为弱势群体,他们正是高校管理中的短木板之一,所以对他们的思想政治教育尤为重要。第四,思想政治教育是一种国家软实力的需要和体现。思想政治教育可以发挥精神凝聚、精神动力的作用;它是一种主流价值观以及对应的方针政策的引导,有维护学校、社会稳定的作用。其可行性表现在:高校处分与高校思想政治教育就教育学生的功能上来看是殊途同归。处分是一种外部控制,通过校纪校规的威慑力来对学生的越轨行为进行校正,迫使学生改正错误,完善自己;而思想政治教育是遵循大学生思想品德形成发展规律,通过教育实现学生的内化自我教育。两种方式相互联系,相互补充,相辅相成的共同实现教育的最大化。 第四部分:从高校学生处分机制、高校思想政治教育和高校受处分学生思想政治教育三个角度九个方面阐述了目前我国新世纪高校受处分学生思想政治教育中尚存在的不足之处,主要表现在:第一,高校在行使处分权时任意扩大处分权行使的范围;二,高校违纪处分权行使的程序欠缺;第三,受处分学生的救济权不能得到充分保护;第四,高校学生处分解除机制几乎为零;第五,违纪处分过程中对学生的隐私保护不够;第六,教育功利化思想长期影响高校思想政治教育工作的开展;第七,模式守旧束缚了高校思想政治教育工作的发展;第八,内容更新慢拖延了高校思想政治教育的发展;第九,高校受处分学生思想政治教育欠缺实效性。 通过前面四部分的分析论述,在第五部分中提出了加强新世纪高校受处分学生思想政治教育的理性选择:第一,情商教育是受处分学生思想政治教育内容的着重点;第二,新世纪中国受处分学生思想政治教育高素质队伍建设;第三,从构建科学的高校管理制度,建设法治校园;彰显人性化管理,建设服务校园;校园主环境与社会次环境的和谐建设三个方面分析了高校受处分学生思想政治教育的环境建设;第四,新世纪长江大学受处分学生思想政治教育实施的理性选择。
[Abstract]:The college students are the excellent representatives in the youth group which has been widely watched by the society . The university students are the leading role of the social civilization . They are a special group . They are a kind of behavior weak group . Although the students in the university are punished as a special group , they are a kind of behavior weak group .
The second part : introduces the connotation and the relation of the concept of the new century , the student ' s disciplinary action , the disposition of the college students , the students ' disposition right in the university , the ideological and political education of the university and so on .
It is the subject of the study . The disciplinary action of the university students and the ideological and political education in colleges and universities are the core concepts of the study .
Part three : The necessity and feasibility of the ideological and political education of the students in the new century are explained in this paper . The necessity lies in : Firstly , from the analysis of the present situation and the disposition effect of the students to be punished in the new century , it is necessary to mention a well - known management law , the bucket principle , which is one of the short planks in the management of colleges and universities .
It is a kind of mainstream value and the guidance of the corresponding policies of the policies . It has the function of maintaining the school and social stability . The feasibility is that the punishment of the university and the ideological and political education of the university are the same as the function of the education students . The punishment is an external control , and the student ' s misconduct is corrected through the deterrent force of the school discipline . The students are forced to correct the mistakes and perfect themselves ;
Ideological and political education is followed by the development of ideological and moral education of college students , and the students ' internalization of self - education is realized through education . The two methods are interrelated , complementary and mutually reinforcing together to maximize the education .
The fourth part : From the three aspects of the mechanism of disposing the university students , the ideological and political education of the university and the ideological and political education of the students in the university , this paper expounds the deficiencies in the ideological and political education of the students in the new century in the new century .
Second , the procedure of the exercise of the right of disciplinary sanction in colleges and universities is deficient ;
Thirdly , the right of relief of the students to be punished can not be adequately protected ;
Fourthly , the mechanism of disposal of university students is almost zero .
Fifth , it is not enough to protect the students ' privacy in the course of disciplinary action .
Sixth , the ideological and political education of colleges and universities has been influenced by the thought of educational achievement in a long way ;
Seventh , the mode - abiding and old - fashioned restraint the development of ideological and political education in colleges and universities ;
Eighth , the content update slowly delays the development of ideological and political education in colleges and universities ;
Ninth , the ideological and political education of the students in colleges and universities is less than the actual effect .
Through the analysis of the previous four parts , the author puts forward the rational choice of strengthening the ideological and political education of the students in the new century . First , EQ education is the focus of the ideological and political education of the students .
Second , the construction of high - quality contingent of students ' ideological and political education in China in the new century ;
Third , from the construction of the scientific management system , the construction of the rule of law campus ;
Display the humanized management , construction service campus ;
The environmental construction of the ideological and political education of the students in the university is analyzed in three aspects : the main environment of the campus and the harmonious construction of the social sub - environment ;
The fourth is the rational choice of the implementation of the ideological and political education of the students of the Yangtze University in the new century .
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