本文选题:民办高校 + 核心竞争力 ; 参考:《安徽大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:据统计2006年我国民办高校总数达596所,在校生280.5万人①,经过几十年的发展至今我国民办高校已初成气候,民办高校的发展不仅缓解了我国办大教育的压力,更为教育的多样化发展注入了新鲜的血液。高等教育市场随着我国民办高校的发展壮大而日趋繁荣,高校间的各种竞争接踵而至。发展我国民办高等教育正需要这种情势,如何根据我国民办高校的发展节奏发展我国民办高校竞争力使之成为民办高校在竞争中取得发展地位和空间的核心力量是本文论述的重点。 本文分析了民办高校作为一种可以适当盈利的教育组织的理论基础,分别从组织理论和竞争战略理论出发论述了我国民办高校作为组织载体发展核心竞争力的合理性,且对理论进行了必要的反思。并在我国当下民办高校发展事例的基础上讨论了民办高校的类型和发展模式以及我国民办高校的发展阶段的特点,简单来说我国民办高校主要有两类,一类是可以举办学历教育的民办高校,包括民办普通大学、民办专业学院和民办高等职业技术学院。例如北京吉利大学和安徽新华学院都属于这一类,北京吉利大学创建于2000年,当时名为北京吉利专修学院,2001年升格为北京吉利大学,属于专科院校。经过十多年的发展,2012年北京吉利大学着手准备筹备升格为北京吉利学院,属本科办学层次。安徽新华学院是2000年由安徽新华集团投资创办的民办专科学校。2005年5月升格为普通本科高校,成功列位于当时全国25所民办本科高校之中,2008年12月安徽新华学院顺利通过学士学位授予权评审,是安徽省首家获得学士学位授予权的民办本科高校。另一类是不可以举办学历教育的民办高校,包括自考助学学校、国家文凭考试学校(2005年已取消)和短期培训机构。我国民办高校的发展模式主要有独立创业模式和股份制模式,另外还有一些民办公助模式、依附公立高校发展的二级学院模式等。本文的主要研究对象是民办高校办学类型中的第一类,即可以举办学历教育的民办高校。 本文认为民办高校作为一种教育组织,其发展要经历以下几个阶段:第一,民办高校的初步发展阶段;第二,民办高校的稳步发展阶段;第三,民办高校的成熟发展阶段。本文在对民办高校划分阶段论述的基础上相应分析了每个阶段民办高校的发展特点与不足。在对民办高校核心竞争力的研究过程中,笔者认为核心竞争力的形成不是一蹴而就的,它的形成和发展与民办高校自身的发展阶段休戚相关,因此笔者以对民办高校发展阶段的分段和各阶段的发展特征的论述为基础,将民办高校核心竞争力的发展相应的分为三个基本发展阶段来研究,一是民办高校核心竞争力的形成阶段,二是民办高校核心竞争力的发展阶段,三是民办高校核心竞争力的再生阶段。在三阶段划分基础上系统论述了民办高校各个发展阶段的特点,以及各个阶段民办高校核心竞争力的不同体现。 目前学术界对于民办高校核心竞争力的界定并没有一个统一的声音,本文在前人对民办高校核心竞争力特征研究的基础上提出了民办高校核心竞争力的本质因素,并认为民办高校核心竞争力的本质因素是制约民办高校发展的关键,也是促进民办高校发展的关键。民办高校核心竞争力的特征主要有发展性、创造性、独特性、系统性、时效性。但是民办高校的特征并不能准确的阐释核心竞争力的核心意义,从根本上阐明民办高校核心竞争力必须要紧扣“核心”,本文认为建构民办高校核心竞争力的本质因素具体包括以下三个方面:一是民办学校制度;二是民办大学精神;三是民办学科机制。结合本文对于民办高校发展阶段的研究,本文相应分析了各阶段民办高校制度、民办大学精神、民办学科机制的现状及存在的问题。并在此研究分析的基础上,针对这三者的建设需求提出发展建议。从三个维度——民办高校制度、民办大学精神、民办学科机制——九个方面——领导体制、行政管理体制、教学制度、人本精神、合作精神、竞争精神、学科导向机制、学科激励机制、学科保障机制——对建设我国民办高校核心竞争力提出了切实可行的发展建议。 民办高校作为促进我国高等教育发展的生力军,在我国当前高等教育环境相对宽松的条件下,积极构建核心竞争力,努力形成与公办高校相辅相成的高等教育情势将是我国民办高校未来发展的方向。但民办高校必须认识到教育资源的稀缺和珍贵以及日益激烈的高等教育竞争,因此有目的分阶段的构建我国民办高校核心竞争力对于促进我国民办高校发展繁荣我国高等教育环境有着重要意义。
[Abstract]:According to statistics , there are 596 colleges and universities in China in 2006 , with 280,000 people in school . After decades of development , the development of private colleges in China has not only alleviated the pressure of China ' s large education , but also injected fresh blood into the diversified development of education .
This paper analyses the theoretical foundation of private colleges and universities as an education organization which can be profitable , and discusses the rationality of the core competence of private colleges and universities as an organization carrier from the theory of organization theory and competition strategy .
As a kind of educational organization , the author thinks that the development of private colleges and universities should go through the following stages : First , the preliminary development stage of private colleges and universities ;
Second , the steady development stage of private colleges and universities ;
On the basis of the discussion on the core competence of private colleges and universities , the author points out that the formation and development of core competence in private colleges is not a single step , and the formation and development of the core competitiveness of the private colleges is based on three basic stages of development .
At present , there is no uniform sound in the definition of the core competence of private colleges and universities . This paper puts forward the essential factors of the core competence of private colleges and universities , and points out that the essence of the core competence of private colleges is the key to restrict the development of private colleges and universities .
Second , the spirit of the private university ;
Based on the research and analysis , this paper analyzes the present situation and existing problems of the system of private colleges and universities in different stages , the spirit of the private university , the mechanism of the private subject , and puts forward some suggestions for the development of the three dimensions : the system of the private colleges , the teaching system , the spirit of the people , the spirit of cooperation , the spirit of the discipline , the mechanism of discipline , the mechanism of the discipline and the mechanism of the discipline safeguard .
As a vital force to promote the development of higher education in our country , private colleges and universities actively construct the core competence under the relatively loose conditions of the current higher education environment in our country , and strive to form a higher education situation which is complementary to the public universities . However , the private colleges must realize the scarcity of educational resources and the competition of higher education . Therefore , it is important to construct the core competence of the private colleges and universities in our country in order to promote the development of the private colleges and universities in our country .
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