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发布时间:2018-04-27 18:30

  本文选题:德里克·博克 + 办学理念 ; 参考:《沈阳师范大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:哈佛大学之所以能发展为知名的世界一流大学,离不开其历任校长的办学理念的指导。哈佛大学第25任校长德里克·博克,不仅在治校方面成绩斐然,而且在高等教育理论探究方面也颇有建树,他写出了《走出象牙塔-现代大学的社会责任》等六本高等教育著作。博克的办学理念也主要集中在这六本高等教育著作中,主要内容包括:对美国大学的重新定位、对“三A”学术原则的新阐释,系统全面的本科教育理念,,大学的商业化问题等。在以上理念的指导下,博克对哈佛大学进行了大刀阔斧的改革和实践,包括:实施核心课程改革;运用现代化管理方法改革中央行政制度;开展规模宏大的筹资运动。通过研究分析博克的办学理念和治校实践,得出以下启示:准确定位大学,秉承学术自由传统、平衡学术原则与学术研究的社会责任、制定与时俱进的人才培养模式、完善筹资策略、大学校长应努力做一名成功的“调停者”。本论文主要由四部分组成: 第一部分:引言。主要涉及本文的选题缘由、研究价值、研究内容及方法、文献综述以及对相关概念的界定。 第二部分:博克办学理念形成的因素分析。本部分从社会背景、个人经历、学术背景以及对前任校长理念的继承等方面分析博克办学理念的成因。 第三部分:博克办学理念和治校实践分析。本部分从博克对美国大学的重新定位、对“三A”学术原则的新阐释、本科教育理念、大学商业化问题等方面阐述其办学理念的内涵,并从其实施核心课程改革、创立博克教学中心、运用现代化管理方法改革中央行政制度、积极开展筹资运动等实践活动阐述他对哈佛大学的贡献。 第四部分:总结分析博克的办学理念和治校实践对我国大学校长在创建一流大学过程中的启示。
[Abstract]:Harvard University can not develop into a world-class university without the guidance of its presidents. Derek Burke, the 25th president of Harvard University, has not only made great achievements in the administration of higher education, but also has made great achievements in the theoretical research of higher education. He has written six books on higher education, such as stepping out of the Ivory Tower-Social responsibility of Modern Universities. Burke's idea of running a school is also mainly concentrated in the six books on higher education. The main contents include: the repositioning of American universities, the new interpretation of the "three A" academic principles, and the systematic and comprehensive idea of undergraduate education. The commercialization of universities, etc. Under the guidance of the above ideas, Booker carried out a radical reform and practice of Harvard University, including implementing the core curriculum reform, reforming the central administrative system with modern management methods, and launching a large-scale fund-raising campaign. Through the research and analysis of Boke's idea of running a school and the practice of running a school, the following enlightenments are obtained: accurately locating universities, adhering to the tradition of academic freedom, balancing academic principles with the social responsibility of academic research, and formulating a talent training model that keeps pace with the times. To perfect the financing strategy, the university president should strive to be a successful mediator. This thesis consists of four parts: The first part: introduction. This paper mainly involves the reason, research value, research content and methods, literature review and the definition of related concepts. The second part: the factor analysis of the formation of Boke's idea of running a school. This part analyzes the causes of Burke's idea of running school from social background, personal experience, academic background and inheritance of former president's idea. The third part: the analysis of Boke's idea of running a school and the practice of running a school. This part expounds the connotation of Burke's idea of running a school from the aspects of his reorientation of American universities, the new interpretation of the "San A" academic principle, the idea of undergraduate education, the issue of university commercialization, and so on, and the implementation of the core curriculum reform. To establish Bock teaching center, to reform the central administrative system by means of modern management methods, and to actively carry out fund-raising campaigns and other practical activities to expound his contribution to Harvard University. The fourth part: summarize and analyze Boke's idea of running a school and its practice to enlighten the university president of our country in the course of establishing the first class university.


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