本文选题:地方高校 + 教师流失 ; 参考:《湖南大学》2012年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The guarantee and improvement of the quality of higher education has been paid more and more attention by all walks of life. The outline of the National medium and long term Education Reform and Development Plan 2010-2020 proposed that the quality of higher education in China should be improved in an all-round way. Local colleges and universities are the main force of higher education in our country, and it has become the principal contradiction to improve the quality of local colleges and universities. As one of the important factors restricting the healthy development of local colleges and universities, the loss of teachers has become the main aspect of contradiction, which has been attached importance to by local colleges and universities and has become an important research topic for university administrators and researchers of higher education. Teacher drain refers to teachers who play an important role in the training of talents, scientific research and social service function in a university organization, and even play a key role based on certain motivation (such as salary increase, job promotion, etc.) An outflow of non-unit will, or a loss of positive effect, as a result of the improvement of the living environment, etc. The loss of teachers in local colleges and universities has a certain negative impact on the outflow individual, local universities, local social and economic development and the quality of higher education in China. It is necessary to improve the quality of higher education, to deepen the reform of personnel system in colleges and universities, and to promote the rational flow of talents in colleges and universities to strengthen the management of the loss of teachers in local colleges and universities. The theoretical basis of the management of the loss of teachers in local colleges and universities is mainly based on the theory of "withdrawal-appeal-loyalty", the theory of human capital and the theory of human resource allocation. At present, the main causes of the loss of teachers in local universities are the influence of the external social environment of local colleges and universities, the factors of teachers' management in local colleges and universities, and the influence of teachers' own factors in local colleges and universities. In view of the reasons of the loss of teachers in local colleges and universities, according to the theory of the governance of the loss of teachers, and drawing lessons from the experience and inspiration of the management of the loss of teachers in foreign colleges and universities, this paper puts forward systematic countermeasures for the governance of the loss of The governance measures include improving the macro management of local colleges and universities, perfecting the relevant laws and regulations on the flow of teachers, and perfecting the social security system of university teachers in the stable external social environment of local university teachers. Strengthening the inflow management, in-service management and exiting management of local university teachers in the stable internal management environment of local university teachers, and reshaping the professional beliefs of university teachers in the stable ideological and moral environment of local university teachers. Comply with the professional ethics of teachers in colleges and universities.
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