本文选题:卫生事业管理 + 人才培养 ; 参考:《华中科技大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:目的:本研究意在通过了解卫生事业管理专业学生课程设置、以及对大学阶段知识、能力、素质培养的感知情况,了解本专业人才培养现状,发现应用型人才培养过程中存在的问题;了解并分析用人单位对卫生管理人员的知识、能力和素质需求,以及用人单位对在岗的卫生管理人员的评价;了解社会大众对卫生管理专业的认知情况以及公众对卫生管理人员的角色期待。根据对培养现状和社会需求的分析,确定卫生事业管理专业应用型人才的知识、能力、素质结构,构建卫生事业管理专业应用型人才培养机制的基本框架,为卫生事业管理专业应用人才培养机制提出可行性建议,以期促进人才培养模式的改革与创新,培养适应社会需求的卫生管理应用型人才。 方法:(1)文献研究法:利用文献分析法收集国内外关于应用型人才培养、卫生管理人员培养以及KAQ模式的相关文献,归纳和总结可借鉴的理论和方法。 (2)问卷调查法:选取华中科技大学同济医学院医药卫生管理学院在校大四学生、近5年内的毕业生以及相关用人单位作为调查对象,就卫生事业管理专业应用型人才培养现状和用人单位的用人需求进行问卷调查。同时,利用开放的网络调查平台,对公众进行卫生管理专业认知度调查。 (3)知情人深度访谈法:对卫生管理专业人才培养目标、课程体系设置、教学手段与教学保障体系及其实施效果、卫生管理人员待遇等相关问题进行深度访谈。访谈对象包括高校教师和用人单位相关领导。 (4)统计学方法:运用定量描述分析对卫生事业管理专业人才培养现状、以及社会对卫生管理人员的需求进行分析;采用方差分析法分析男女学生、毕业生与在校生在知识、能力、素质培养情况感知上的差异。 结果:(1)被调查学校卫生事业管理专业的理论课程学分占总学分的87.26%,而集中实践教学学分仅占总学分的11.46%。与专业基础课程和专业核心课程相比,医学课程与临床课程学时较长,且占课程体系学分的比例较大。67.5%的大四学生认为理论教学内容的更新较少,,57.5%认为医学课程课时比例过高;25.0%的学生认为实践教学与社会对卫生管理人员的需求联系紧密,70.0%的学生认为实践教学与理论教学时间比例不合理。 (2)经过大学阶段的学习,学生得到培养的知识主要有管理学知识、基础医学知识和计算机知识;得到培养的能力主要包括沟通协调能力、组织管理能力、公文写作能力;得到培养的素质主要有责任心、合作意识、敬业心。男女学生之间、毕业生与在校生之间对部分培养情况的感知存在差异,毕业生在知识、能力、素质的多项内容的培养情况感知上优于在校生。 (3)93.37%的用人单位对卫生管理人员的需求现状为非常需要和比较需要,71.08%的用人单位表示最低学历要求是大专和本科。用人单位认为,卫生管理人员需掌握管理学知识、基础医学知识、法学知识,具备沟通协调能力、组织管理能力、公文写作能力,具有进取心、责任心和合作意识。92.77%的用人单位建议学校加强社会实践以促进学生的综合能力和素质培养。 (4)在网络调查中,53.97%的被调查者以前不知道卫生事业管理专业,认为医院院长和卫生行政机构的领导是由非专业的卫生管理人员担任的分别占50.79%和51.59%,84.92%的被调查者认为非常需要专业化的卫生管理人员。公众对卫生管理人员的知识、能力、素质要求与用人单位基本相同。 结论:(1)卫生事业管理专业教学中,医学课程比例过大,且不符合卫生事业管理专业需求;实践教学比例较低,大多数学生认为实践教学与社会需求不符;实际工作经验能使学生对知识、能力、素质培养情况的感知更加深刻;相关用人单位对卫生管理人员有较大需求,用人单位与公众对卫生管理人员的知识、能力、素质要求基本相同,但公众对卫生事业管理专业的认知度较低。为此,卫生事业管理专业的应用型人才培养需根据社会需求明确培养目标,建立突出卫生管理专业特色的课程体系,强化实践教学效果,改革考核方式,加强社会宣传,促进卫生管理人员职业化进程。 (2)高校应顺应高等教育发展和医疗卫生体制改革需求,培养理论基础扎实、能力与素质协调发展的卫生事业管理专业应用型人才。卫生事业管理专业应用型人才培养机制的构建,要遵循复合性、个性化、针对性、以知识为基础、以能力和素质培养为本位的原则,形成“通识教育基础上的专才教育”,建立包含三大教学体系、四大培养阶段、多元化的考核机制、立体化的教学保障机制以及长效社会合作机制的卫生事业管理专业应用型人才培养机制。
[Abstract]:Objective: the purpose of this study is to understand and analyze the existing problems in the training process of the professional talents and to understand and analyze the knowledge, ability and ability of the employer to the health management personnel by understanding the curriculum setting of the health management students and the awareness of the knowledge, ability and quality training at the university stage. The quality needs, and the evaluation of the health management personnel employed by the employers, understand the public awareness of the health management and the public's role in the role of the health management personnel. According to the analysis of the status and social needs of the training, the knowledge, ability and quality structure of the applied talents are determined. In order to promote the reform and innovation of the personnel training mode, the basic framework of the basic framework of the training mechanism for the application type personnel of health management specialty is set up, in order to promote the reform and innovation of the personnel training mode, and to train the applied talents of health management to meet the needs of the society.
Methods: (1) literature research method: the literature analysis method is used to collect related literature about the training of applied talents, the training of health management personnel and the KAQ model, and to sum up and summarize the theories and methods that can be used for reference.
(2) the questionnaire survey method: choosing the senior four students in the medical and Health Management College of Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, the graduates and the related employers in the last 5 years as the investigation object, the questionnaire survey on the status of the training of applied talents for health management and the needs of the employing units is carried out, and the open network is used. Survey platform for public health management professional awareness survey.
(3) the deep interview method of the person with the knowledge of the people: the in-depth interview on the training target of the health management professionals, the setting of the curriculum system, the teaching means and the teaching guarantee system and its implementation effect, the treatment of the health management personnel, etc. the interview object includes the related leadership of the university teachers and the employers.
(4) statistical methods: using the quantitative description analysis of the status of the training of health management professionals, and the analysis of the needs of the health managers in the society; analysis of the difference between the students and the students, the graduates and the students in the knowledge, ability and quality training.
Results: (1) the academic score of the theory course of the school of health management was 87.26% of the total credits, while the 11.46%. of the concentrated practical teaching score only accounted for the total credits, compared with the professional basic courses and the major core courses, the medical courses and the clinical courses were longer, and the proportion of the course system scores of the course system was larger than the senior.67.5% students. In order to update the content of the theoretical teaching, 57.5% thought that the proportion of medical courses was too high; 25% of the students thought that the practice teaching and the society were closely related to the needs of the health management personnel, and 70% of the students thought that the proportion of the practice teaching and the theory teaching time was unreasonable.
(2) after the university stage of the study, the students get the main knowledge of management knowledge, basic medical knowledge and computer knowledge. The training ability mainly includes communication and coordination ability, organizational management ability, document writing ability, and the quality of training is mainly responsible, cooperative consciousness and dedication. There is a difference in the perception of some training between the students and the students, and the graduates are better than the students in the knowledge, ability and quality of the training.
(3) 93.37% of the employers' needs for the health management needs and needs. 71.08% of the employers indicate that the minimum educational requirements are junior college and undergraduate. The employers think that health managers need to master the knowledge of management, basic medical knowledge, legal knowledge, communication and coordination, organization and management, official documents. The employers of writing, enterprising, responsible and cooperative.92.77% suggest that the school strengthen the social practice to promote the comprehensive ability and quality of the students.
(4) in the network survey, 53.97% of the respondents did not know the major of health management before. The leaders of the hospital and the health administration were considered to be 50.79% and 51.59% respectively, and 84.92% of the respondents believed that the health administrators were very specialized in the industry. The public to the health management personnel. Knowledge, ability and quality requirements are basically the same as those of employers.
Conclusions: (1) in the teaching of health management, the proportion of medical courses is too large and does not meet the needs of health management. The proportion of practical teaching is low. Most students think that the practical teaching is not consistent with the social needs; the practical experience can make students more profound in knowledge, ability and quality training. There is a large demand for the health management personnel. The knowledge, ability and quality of the health management personnel are basically the same, but the public awareness of the health management specialty is low. For this reason, the training of applied talents for the health management major needs to be clearly trained according to the social needs and establish a prominent health management system. The curriculum system with special characteristics should be strengthened, the effect of practice teaching should be strengthened, the examination method should be improved, the social publicity should be strengthened, and the professionalization process of health administrators should be promoted.
(2) colleges and universities should comply with the needs of the development of higher education and the reform of the medical and health system, cultivate the applied talents of health management professionals with a solid theoretical foundation and coordinated development of ability and quality. The construction of the training mechanism of applied talents for health management specialty should follow the combination, individuation, pertinence, knowledge based, and ability and quality. The principle of quality training is based on the principle of "specialized education on the basis of general education", and the establishment of three major teaching systems, four major training stages, multiple assessment mechanism, three-dimensional teaching guarantee mechanism and a long-term social cooperation mechanism of health management professional application personnel training mechanism.
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