本文选题:区域研究生教育 + 规模与结构 ; 参考:《教育发展研究》2012年23期
[Abstract]:According to the development level of each subject point in the region and the condition of running a school with teachers as the core, the evaluation and measurement model of the scale and structure of regional graduate education is constructed. Based on the empirical study of postgraduate education in Guangdong Province, this paper shows that the postgraduate education in Guangdong Province at present is guaranteed in terms of the main conditions for running a school and the quality of cultivation, and there is still room for development on the scale. It is pointed out that the quality and condition of running a school are the basic standards to measure the scale of regional graduate education. The author holds that the regional graduate education should change from "external development logic" to "internal development logic" and follow the differentiated development strategy. To implement division of work and cooperation in order to give play to their respective comparative advantages.
【作者单位】: 厦门大学教育研究院;华南理工大学高教所;
【基金】:2010年教育部青年基金“区域高等教育发展差异对地方经济增长影响的实证研究”(10YJC880056) 2011年广东省学位与研究生教育改革研究项目面上课题“广东省研究生教育规模与结构问题研究”(11JGXM-MS03)的部分成果
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