本文选题:民族传统体育专业 + 毕业生 ; 参考:《北京体育大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着我国社会市场化、信息化的深入发展,近年来,特别是2003年以来,我国高等教育扩招后毕业生全面进入就业市场,我国高校毕业生就业进入了一个崭新的阶段,出现了一系列新问题。河南省高校民族传统体育专业出现了毕业生就业压力增大,就业形势更加严峻。因此,研究当前河南省高校民族传统体育专业就业问题有重大的理论和现实意义。 本论文在分析毕业生就业流向和就业现状的基础上,运用了文献资料法、专家访谈法、调查问卷法和数据统计等方法,对河南省高校民族传统体育专业毕业生的就业流向、就业现状和就业影响因素等方面进行了系统的调查和分析。详细讨论了社会因素、用人单位的影响因素、办学单位自身影响因素和毕业生自身影响因素四个方面对河南省高校民族传统体育专业就业流向和就业现状的影响。调查发现:社会方面存在就业管理体制不健全、人才就业市场不规范、供需关系不均衡;用人单位存在用人观念偏差、用人单位传统主渠道的吸纳能力下降;学校方面存在部分专业课程设置不合理、专业划分过细、实习环节不太合理、对学生的就业指导不到位;毕业生自身方面存在文化素质偏低、就业市场面窄、就业信息不畅通、就业期望值偏高、就业的依赖性大、自主创业意识淡薄。 最后,针对毕业生就业流向和就业现状中所暴露出来的问题,分别从政府、高校和毕业生本人3个方面提出下列对策和建议。政府应在宏观政策上给予毕业生必要的支持、倾斜、政策措施和物质保障,提高就业率:学校应完善学科建设和课程体系建设,加强就业指导工作,建立和巩固实习基地,增强学校和学生的社会竞争力;毕业生自身应更新就业价值观念,努力提高自身素质,增加就业竞争力和创业能力。
[Abstract]:With the development of our country's social market and information technology, in recent years, especially since 2003, the graduates of higher education in China have entered the employment market in an all-round way. The employment of college graduates in our country has entered a new stage, and a series of new problems have appeared. The employment pressure of graduates in the ethnic traditional sports major of universities in Henan province has appeared. The employment situation is more severe. Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to study the employment problems of traditional ethnic sports in Henan universities.
On the basis of the analysis of the employment flow and employment status of graduates, this paper makes a systematic investigation and Analysis on the employment flow, employment status and employment influence factors of the graduates of the ethnic traditional sports major in Henan province by using the methods of literature, interview, questionnaire and data statistics. This paper discusses the influence of social factors, the influencing factors of the unit, the influencing factors of the school running units and the influence factors of the graduates themselves on the employment flow and employment status of the National Traditional Sports Specialty in Henan province. The investigation shows that the social aspects of the employment management system are not sound, the employment market is not standard, and the supply and demand is closed. There is a disequilibrium in the system; there is a deviation in the concept of employing people, and the absorption capacity of the traditional main channel of the employer is reduced; there are some unreasonable courses in the school, the professional division is too fine, the practice link is not reasonable, the employment guidance of the students is not in place; the graduates have a low cultural quality and the employment market is narrow. Employment information is not smooth, employment expectations are high, employment dependence is large, and self employment awareness is weak.
Finally, in view of the problems exposed to the flow of graduates' employment and the present employment situation, the following countermeasures and suggestions are put forward from the 3 aspects of the government, universities and the graduates themselves. The government should give graduates the necessary support, tilt, policy measures and material protection, and improve the employment rate: the school should improve the construction of the subject and the course. Process system construction, strengthen employment guidance work, establish and consolidate practice bases, enhance the social competitiveness of schools and students; graduates themselves should renew their employment values, improve their own quality, and increase the competitiveness of employment and entrepreneurial ability.
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