发布时间:2018-06-07 14:48
本文选题:消费主义 + 道德理想 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:道德理想是人们根据社会发展的总体价值目标,在对社会和个人实然的道德生活状态进行深刻批判和反思的基础上,对完善的社会道德关系与风尚以及道德上的完美典型或理想人格的向往与追求。道德理想的崇高与低俗影响着人们自觉履行社会义务的道德责任感,影响着人们的道德行为选择和道德境界。大学生是社会中一个特殊且重要的群体,他们也终将步入主流社会,其道德理想的高低对整个社会将会产生重要影响。 伴随着经济全球化进程不断加快,西方的消费主义价值观与生活方式在全世界有蔓延的趋势。处于转型期的中国,随着对外开放程度日益加深,消费主义倾向也日趋膨胀。一些人们的消费注重商品的符号意义,呈现出畸形化、奢侈化的特征,精神消费变得肤浅与庸俗,精神生活出现空虚。社会的开放性,决定了大学生势必也会受到消费主义的影响。消费主义注重物质和表层体验,而道德理想注重精神和深层次的体验,二者截然相反。在消费主义的种种诱惑下,大学生道德理想也出现了弱化的趋势。研究消费主义影响下大学生道德理想问题不仅对于大学生道德水平和道德境界的提高具有重要意义,而且对于整个社会道德状况的良好发展也具有重要意义。 本文以消费主义作为研究背景,以大学生的道德理想作为研究视角,运用伦理学的相关理论,对消费主义和大学生的道德理想进行了系统的梳理与归纳,分析了消费主义影响下大学生道德理想弱化的表现及原因,并重点论述了摒除消费主义影响、塑造大学生道德理想的原则和实践途径。文章共由四个部分组成: 第一部分为引言,主要从论文的选题意义、研究现状、研究思路和研究方法这几个方面进行了介绍、分析,从而阐释消费主义影响下大学生道德理想弱化问题这一选题的可行性、必要性与现实性。 第二部分阐述了消费主义和大学生道德理想的相关理论。具体分析了消费主义的内涵、特征,并且在此基础上从伦理学角度对消费主义进行了批判。同时还分析了道德理想的内涵,并重点探讨了树立良好的道德理想对大学生的作用、大学生应具备的道德理想以及当前大学生道德理想的特点。 第三部分分析了消费主义影响下大学生道德理想弱化的表现及成因。近几年消费主义大肆扩张,,大学生不免受其影响,这给大学生道德理想的树立带来冲击,使大学生道德理想呈现出表层化、功利化和世俗化等一系列弱化的表现。造成大学生道德理想弱化的原因除了受到消费主义影响外,还有学校和大学生个人的因素,比如学校的道德理想教育方法缺乏灵活性、大学生尚未确立稳定的三观等。 第四部分,作为本文的重点,对消费主义影响下大学生道德理想塑造的必要性、原则和途径进行分析。在大学生道德理想塑造的必要性上,从社会角度来看,中国优秀的消费文化传统的继承与发扬、社会和谐消费伦理观的建构需要大学生具有良好的道德理想。从学校角度来看,大学生树立良好的道德理想有助于祛除校园中不良的消费现象、提升校园精神生活。从大学生个人角度来看,大学生塑造道德理想有利于抵制消费主义对其三观的扭曲和对其行为的误导。大学生道德理想的塑造必须要坚持开放性、主体性以及现实性与超越性统一的原则。对于大学生道德理想塑造的途径,尤其强调优化大学生道德理想塑造的社会氛围、完善学校对大学生道德理想的教育、发挥大学生塑造道德理想的主观能动性诸方面的要求与对策。
[Abstract]:The moral ideal is the goal of people ' s overall value according to the social development . On the basis of deep criticism and reflection on the social and individual moral life state , the high and low levels of moral ideal influence people ' s moral responsibility to fulfill their social obligations and influence people ' s moral behavior choice and moral realm . The students are a special and important group in society , and they will eventually enter the mainstream society . Their moral ideal will have an important influence on the whole society .
Along with the quickening of the process of economic globalization , the consumption values and lifestyles of the West have spread throughout the world . With the deepening of the opening to the outside world , the tendency of consumerist tends to expand . Some people pay more attention to the symbolic meaning of commodities , the moral ideal pays attention to material and superficial experience , and the moral ideal pays attention to the spiritual and deep experience .
Based on the research background , this paper makes a systematic analysis and induction of the moral ideal of university students based on the theory of ethics , analyzes the performance and causes of the weakening of moral ideal of college students under the influence of consumerics , and points out the principles and practical ways of eliminating the influence of consumerics and shaping the moral ideal of college students .
The first part is divided into the introduction , mainly from the topic meaning of the thesis , the research situation , the research thinking and the research methods , this paper introduces and analyzes , thus explains the feasibility , necessity and reality of the problem of weakening the moral ideal of college students under the influence of consumerist .
In the second part , the theory of consumerist and college students ' moral ideal is elaborated . The connotation and characteristics of consumeris analyzed , and the connotation of moral ideal is analyzed , and the characteristics of moral ideal and moral ideal of college students are discussed .
The third part analyzes the manifestations and causes of the weakening of college students ' moral ideal under the influence of the consumerist . In recent years , the consumption of university students has been expanded , and the college students are not protected from their influence . The reason for weakening the moral ideal of college students is that the moral ideal of college students presents a series of weakening performances such as superficial layer , utility and secularization .
The fourth part , as the focus of this paper , analyzes the necessity , principle and approach of college students ' moral ideal shaping under the influence of consumerist .
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