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发布时间:2018-06-17 03:35

  本文选题:功利主义 + 大学生 ; 参考:《安徽工业大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Based on the theoretical analysis of utilitarianism, this paper studies the influence of utilitarianism on the value orientation of college students and its solutions. The main body of the article is divided into three parts: first of all, to interpret utilitarianism. This chapter includes the distinction between utilitarianism and utilitarianism, the core characteristics and development process of utilitarianism, the rationality and historical limitation of utilitarianism. The rationality of utilitarianism mainly shows that it satisfies the individual's needs, fully respects the reasonable interests of the individual, which reflects the value pursuit of moral people-oriented, whether the person can get happiness and happiness to evaluate the moral right and wrong, This is utilitarianism looking for moral criteria other than the idea of man and God, which was progressive in order to break the shackles of theology at that time. The limitation of utilitarianism lies in the following aspects: the utilitarian regards subjective feeling as the objective criterion of judging moral right and wrong, and attempts to objectify the criterion of judging moral right and wrong without success; Utilitarianism deliberately avoids the social nature of human beings and eventually falls into hedonism; utilitarianism overemphasizes the value of the effects of actions, which may lead to the neglect or denial of the legitimate rights and interests of individuals. It is also possible to ignore the fairness of internal distribution; utilitarianism establishes human happiness and happiness on a material basis, arguing that all human actions are reduced to seeking personal interests, which is a misinterpretation and alienation of human nature. This thought will inevitably lead to the secular development of people's values. Secondly, it clarifies the positive and negative influence of utilitarianism on the value orientation of college students. The positive influence of utilitarianism on the value orientation of college students has two main points: first, the main position of value orientation is strengthened and developed to individualization; second, the goal of value orientation has practical and realistic development. The negative effects of utilitarianism on the value orientation of college students are as follows: egoism in behavior style, obvious utilitarianism tendency in study, strong utilitarianism in interpersonal communication, quick achievement and instant benefit in employment view. The secularization of the concept of love and marriage. On the basis of analyzing the influence of utilitarianism on the value orientation of college students, the philosophical basis of this value orientation is analyzed in detail. Finally, based on the Marxist view of profit, this paper discusses how to eliminate the negative influence of utilitarianism on the value orientation of college students and establish the value orientation guided by Marxist view of profit. To achieve this, we must take the Marxist view of interest as the general guiding principle, and carry out education on the concept of justice and profit among college students throughout society. Schools should also strengthen the education of Marxist theory among college students. College students should actively participate in various social practices, exercise their character in practice, promote the understanding of utilitarianism, and form correct values.


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