本文选题:感恩心理 + 父母教养方式 ; 参考:《四川师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:艾宾浩斯:“心理学有着长久的过去,但是却只有很短的一段历史。”那么对于感恩心理的研究来说,“在人类思想文化的传播中,感恩有着悠久的过去,但是在心理学的研究中,却只有很短一段历史。” “滴水之恩,当以涌泉相报”,感恩是我国自古以来的一种做人美德,不论是国内还是国外对于一个人是否能做到感恩成为评判一个人的美与丑的标准之一。感恩自古就有,但是目前对于它的研究还是比较少。 本研究在以往对感恩研究的基础上,对南北方两个省份的大学生的感恩心理进行研究和探索,本研究采用随机方便取样,抽取山东、四川两个省份四所普通高等学校的大学生为研究对象,共发放问卷550份,回收问卷513份,有效问卷437份,有效回收率为79.4%。采用Exel、SPSS统计软件对调查数据进行统计,得到如下的结果: (1)感恩心理在大学生性别变量上存在显著差异,男生与女生在感恩的各因子上都存在着显著差异,其中在感恩深度和感恩广度女生都非常显著的高于男生(P0.01)。 (2)大学生感恩心理在父母是否离异这个维度上存在着显著差异,其中在感恩广度、感恩总分上存在着显著的差异(P0.05),在感恩频度这个维度上存在着非常显著的差异(P0.01),在感恩深度和感恩密度上不存在显著差异。 (3)在本研究中,对大学生感恩心理各维度及总分与社会支持及各维度进行相关分析(Pearson相关),结果表明,大学生感恩总分与社会支持各维度存在着显著正相关(P0.01),同时,感恩各维度与社会支持的各维度也存在着显著的正相关(P0.01)。 (4)对大学生被试的感恩心理各维度与父亲教养方式的各因子的相关程度进行Pearson相关检测,结果表明,父母教养方式的某些因子与大学生感恩心理存在着显著的相关。 (5)本研究为了更清楚的明确社会支持、父母教养方式对大学生感恩的影响机制,首先做了社会支持、父母教养方式对大学生感恩的单变量回归,然后又将社会支持、父母教养方式共同纳入到对感恩心理的多元回归分析中,研究社会支持与父母教养方式在同时作用下对大学生感恩的影响作用。本研究结果表明,在单变量回归时,社会支持的三个因子对大学生感恩都有着预测作用,父母教养方式中的某些因子对大学生感恩有着预测作用。
[Abstract]:Albinhaus: psychology has a long past, but only a short history. Well, for the study of gratitude, "gratitude has a long past in the spread of human thought and culture, but in the study of psychology, it has only a very short history." Gratitude is a virtue of life since ancient times in China. Whether domestic or foreign, gratitude has become one of the criteria for judging a person's beauty and ugliness. Gratitude has been there since ancient times, but the current research on it is still relatively small. On the basis of previous researches on gratitude, this study studied and explored the gratitude psychology of college students in the two provinces of the south and north. This study used random and convenient sampling to extract Shandong. The college students of four ordinary colleges and universities in two provinces of Sichuan province as the research object, a total of 550 questionnaires were sent out, 513 questionnaires were returned, 437 valid questionnaires, the effective recovery rate was 79.4%. The statistical data of the investigation were analyzed by Exeln SPSS software. The results were as follows: 1) there were significant differences in the gender variables of gratitude psychology between male and female students, and there were significant differences between male and female students in every factor of gratitude. Among them, there are significant differences in gratitude depth and gratitude breadth between female students and male students (P 0.01). Among them, there are significant differences in the dimension of parents' divorce, including gratitude breadth. There were significant differences in the total score of gratitude (P0.05), in the dimension of Thanksgiving frequency (P0.01A), but not in the depth of gratitude and the density of Thanksgiving. The correlation analysis of each dimension and total score of gratitude psychology of college students with social support and each dimension shows that there is a significant positive correlation between the total score of gratitude and social support, and at the same time, there is a significant positive correlation between the total score of gratitude and social support, and at the same time, there is a significant positive correlation between the total score of gratitude and social support. There was also a significant positive correlation between the dimensions of gratitude and social support (P0.01. 4) Pearson correlation was used to examine the correlation degree between the dimensions of gratitude and the factors of father's rearing style. The results showed that: (1) there was a significant positive correlation between each dimension of gratitude and social support (P < 0.01). There is a significant correlation between some factors of parental rearing style and Thanksgiving psychology of college students. (5) in order to clarify the social support and the influence mechanism of parental rearing style on the gratitude of college students, this study firstly made social support. The univariate regression of parental rearing style to college students' gratitude, and then the social support and parental rearing style are included in the multiple regression analysis of Thanksgiving psychology. This paper studies the effect of social support and parental rearing style on college students' gratitude. The results show that in univariate regression, the three factors of social support can predict the gratitude of college students, and some of the factors in parental rearing can predict the gratitude of college students.
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