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发布时间:2018-06-18 05:37

  本文选题:大学 + 学术研究 ; 参考:《山东师范大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:自具有现代大学意义的中世纪大学诞生,经德国洪堡时期对柏林大学的变革,至今日美国的研究型大学,大学在历史的长河中不断变革,其中的学术研究也在逐渐转型,并促使大学由原来处于社会边缘的“象牙塔”逐渐成为居于社会轴心地位的“服务站”。但是,在知识社会的今天,社会价值导向的多元化以及实用主义和工具主义的渗透,无论是在西方国家还是在我国,大学及其学术研究皆面临着不同的危机:大学的社会影响力在逐渐增强的同时,大学的社会信任度却在下降;当学术研究日渐丰富和繁荣的同时,却日渐失去了学术自由的特质。于是,,大学及其学术研究逐渐沦为政治、经济和社会的奴婢,而与自身的本质特性和信仰渐行渐远。同时鉴于我国“大学为国家的特设机构”这一特殊语境,笔者开始反思:“大学与学术研究是怎样的关系”“价值中立的学术研究有无使命,其本真使命是什么”“在我国的特殊国情下,是什么因素导致学术研究使命的式微,以及如何使其重构并回归大学和学术的本真”。基于这样的思路,笔者展开关于大学中学术研究使命的探究。 本论文主要分为三部分:导言部分、大学中学术研究使命的内涵重审、大学中学术研究使命的式微与复归。 导言部分,主要涉及本论文的选题缘由、研究目的和意义、文献综述以及研究方法等。第一部分为我国大学中学术研究使命的内涵重审,主要涉及三章内容:一是学术研究的内涵诠释,主要从厘定学术研究的概念、分析学术研究的历程嬗变两方面加以把握;二是学术研究之于大学的意义归属,主要通过大学的特质与学术研究的本质、大学的理念与学术研究的变革来分析;三是大学中学术研究理应秉承的使命,在剖析使命的内涵和学术研究使命来源的基础上,认为学术研究承担着使大学、学术和知识的本真精神得以传承和超越的使命。第二部分为我国大学中学术研究使命的式微与复归,在结合我国大学及其学术研究当前境遇的基础上,从三方面展开:首先,在对我国大学中学术研究现状中肯的基础上,展开其使命式微的批判;其次,结合我国的特殊国情以及学术研究使命式微的表现,认为学术研究使命的式微归因于学术研究文化在生成过程中其本真性的凋敝;最后,针对学术研究使命式微的根本原因,笔者将从学术文化重构的参与主体和必备因子两方面寻求本真学术研究文化重构的应然条件。
[Abstract]:Since the birth of the medieval university with the significance of modern universities and the transformation of Berlin University during the Humboldt period in Germany, to the research universities in the United States today, the universities have been undergoing continuous changes in the long history, and the academic research among them has also been gradually transformed. And promote the university from the original edge of the "ivory tower" gradually become the social axis of the "service station." However, in the knowledge society today, the diversification of social value orientation and the infiltration of pragmatism and instrumentalism, whether in western countries or in China, Universities and their academic research are faced with different crises: while the social influence of universities is gradually increasing, the social trust of universities is declining, while academic research is becoming richer and more prosperous, But it is losing the character of academic freedom day by day. As a result, universities and their academic research gradually become slaves of politics, economy and society, and go further away from their own essential characteristics and beliefs. At the same time, in view of the special context of "the university is the special organization of the country", the author begins to reflect on the relationship between the university and the academic research, and whether there is a mission in the value-neutral academic research. What is its true mission "under the special national conditions of our country, what factors lead to the decline of academic research mission, and how to reconstruct it and return to the true nature of university and academic". Based on this idea, the author explores the mission of academic research in universities. This thesis is mainly divided into three parts: introduction, reexamination of the connotation of academic research mission in university, decline and reversion of academic research mission in university. The introduction part mainly involves the reason, purpose and significance of this paper, literature review and research methods. The first part is a review of the connotation of academic research mission in Chinese universities, mainly involving three chapters: first, the connotation of academic research interpretation, mainly from the definition of the concept of academic research, analysis of the evolution of academic research two aspects to grasp; The second is the significance of academic research to universities, which is mainly analyzed through the characteristics of universities and the nature of academic research, the transformation of university ideas and academic research, and the mission that academic research in universities should uphold. On the basis of analyzing the connotation of the mission and the origin of the academic research mission, the author holds that academic research undertakes the mission of inheriting and surpassing the true spirit of university, scholarship and knowledge. The second part is the decline and reversion of the academic research mission in Chinese universities. On the basis of the current situation of universities and their academic research in China, it is carried out from three aspects: first, on the basis of the current situation of academic research in Chinese universities, Secondly, combining the special situation of our country and the performance of the decline of academic research mission, the author thinks that the decline of academic research mission is attributed to the decline of academic research culture in the process of its original decline; finally, In view of the fundamental cause of the decline of academic research mission, the author will seek the necessary conditions for the reconstruction of the original academic research culture from two aspects: the participating subject and the necessary factors of the reconstruction of academic culture.


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