本文选题:复合型理科人才 + 人才特征 ; 参考:《兰州大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:《国家中长期教育改革与发展规划刚要》明确提出复合型人才的建设要求。由于理科在整个自然科学中的基础性地位,使得复合型理科人才成为复合型人才中极其重要的一种人才类型。复合理科人才是知识复合、能力复合和思维复合的新型人才,在科学研究和生产生活中具有较强的适应性,必将成为优秀的研究者和劳动者。 本研究对当前的复合型理科人才培养实践进行系统的归纳与总结,科学的界定了复合型理科人才概念,阐明了复合型理科人才特征,明确了复合型理科人才定位。文章在厘清相关概念之后,寻找人才建设理论溯源,从素质教育、人才学等方面对人才培养予以理论支持;并总结六种复合型理科人才培养模式,即简单课程组合模式、大理科班模式、复合型专业模式、自主学习计划模式、院系合作模式、以问题解决为主的模式,分析其利弊。最后,从理念创新、制度保障、组织架构、教师协同、课程融合等方面提出复合型理科人才的建设策略。
[Abstract]:"The national medium and long term education reform and development plan has just made clear the requirements for the construction of compound talents. Because of the basic position of Science in the natural science, compound science talents have become one of the most important types of talents in compound talents. Complex science talents are knowledge complex, ability compound and thinking compound." New talents will have strong adaptability in scientific research and production and life, and will certainly become excellent researchers and laborers.
This study systematically summarizes and summarizes the current training practice of complex science talents, defines the concept of compound science talents, clarifies the characteristics of complex science talents and clarifies the position of compound science talents. After clarifying the related concepts, the article seeks to trace the source of talent construction theory, from quality education to talent science, etc. On the basis of the theoretical support for the training of talents, and summing up the six types of compound science talents training mode, that is, simple curriculum combination mode, Dali science class model, compound professional model, independent learning plan mode, department cooperation mode, problem solving model and analysis of its advantages and disadvantages. Finally, from concept innovation, system guarantee and organizational structure It puts forward the strategy of building compound science talents in terms of teacher collaboration and curriculum integration.
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