发布时间:2018-06-21 20:02
本文选题:大学理念 + 新人文主义 ; 参考:《湖南大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:大学理念的实质一方面是对大学本质、属性、特征的一种理性认识,另一方面也是人们在追求理想大学的过程中形成的教育观念。因此,不同时代的大学理念有着不同的内涵,即便是同一时代,基于不同的哲学认识以及不同的价值取向,也必然存在不同的大学理念。 20世纪上半叶,随着经济发展,科学技术广泛使用,美国社会百废待兴,人们对职业人才的渴望使得实用主义大学理念在这个时期迅速获得市场,美国大学开始进入到黄金发展期,不仅出现了各类新型的大学,而且涌现一部分校企合作的科技园,如硅谷等。以实用主义为价值取向的教育家认为大学教育是为了使人解决实际的需要,满足社会的要求,知识必须产生实际的功效,并在大学发展的实践中不断加强中不断加强影响。这些变化,使得传统大学以及提供传统教育的人文主义面临前所未有的威胁。以弗莱克斯纳、赫钦斯、维布伦等为主的教育家重新扛起人文主义的大旗,认为大学教育要通过学习古典传统文化遗产中具有永恒价值的东西,来培养高尚的道德修养,良好的品质,促进人性的和谐发展。在多重因素的作用下,美国高等教育领域里,爆发了一场关于大学理念的思想大争鸣,这是实用主义教育者与新人文主义教育者之间的一次正面交锋。实际上从18世纪开始,实用主义教育与人文主义教育的辩论便已经存在,具体表现为功利主义与古典人文主义之争的争论。可以说,实用主义与人文主义大学理念的此消彼长一直是世界高等教育思想发展的主旋律。而在这段漫长的拉锯战中,两者之间的关系并不是非此即彼,以一方完全压倒另一方的势态存在,更多看到的是二者在这一系列的碰撞、冲突、争执中得到了深层次的发展,并逐渐走向融合的趋势。 发生在20世纪上半叶的这场美国大学理念之争也给当代中国高等教育留下了一些启示。首先,在高等教育思想领域,我们应该鼓励教育理念自由争鸣,让各种思想百花齐放,通过这种自由、开放的思想辩论,从而发现并开拓出一条适应当代中国高等教育的发展之路;其次,,重拾我国人文教育传统,挖掘出传统文化中的精华,用人文精神打造人格健全、品德高尚、健康向上的全面发展的当代大学生;再次,科学设置课程体系,使实用课程与人文课程平衡发展,真正惠及学生未来的职业发展及理性培养。最后,在新时期不断发展大学新职能,完善剩余责任、造就公众良心、促进国际交流,使中国的大学理念更加丰富、完善,最终实现人的价值,促进社会发展。
[Abstract]:The essence of university idea is a kind of rational understanding of the essence , attribute and characteristic of university , on the other hand , the educational idea formed in the process of pursuing ideal university . Therefore , the university idea of different times has different connotation , even in the same time , based on different philosophical understanding and different value orientation , different university concepts inevitably exist .
In the first half of the 20th century , with the development of economy , the widespread use of science and technology , and the desire of the American society , the idea of pragmatism and humanism has been threatened . In fact , the debate between pragmatism and humanism has been threatened . In fact , since the beginning of the 18th century , the relationship between pragmatism and humanism has always been the main melody of the development of higher education .
First , in the field of higher education thought , we should encourage the idea of education to contend with freedom and let all kinds of ideas blossom . Through this free and open ideological debate , we find and develop a way to adapt to the development of contemporary China ' s higher education ;
Secondly , the humanistic education tradition of our country is recovered , the essence of the traditional culture is excavated , and the humanistic spirit is used to create the contemporary college students with perfect personality , high moral character and healthy and comprehensive development ;
Once again , the curriculum system of science is set up so that the practical curriculum and the humanities curriculum are balanced and developed , so that the future career development and rational cultivation of the students are really favored . Finally , the new period keeps developing the new functions of the university , perfecting the remaining responsibilities , making the public conscience and promoting the international exchange , making the university idea of China more abundant and perfect , finally realizing the value of the human beings and promoting the social development .
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