本文选题:利益 + 利益表达 ; 参考:《西南大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着社会的进步与高等教育的发展,大学生主体意识不断提升,其个性鲜明、思想活跃,大学生们的利益诉求表达意识和愿望日益强烈,进而对于自身权利和自身的合法利益提出更多更高的要求,他们想通过各种方式与相应的渠道来反映自己的意见建议,表达自己的利益诉求。虽然各高校开始承认、尊重和保障大学生的主体地位及其各项权利,但这是一个渐进和逐步完善的过程,需要一套行之有效的制度体系来支撑和保障学生群体的利益表达。在此背景下,对这一制度所涉及到的理论问题,以及这一制度在实践上所反映出来的不足进行审视,是完善这一制度的必不可少的环节。 本研究主要运用了文献分析法、问卷调查法和访谈法等研究方法来对高校学生利益表达的保障制度的现状及其存在的问题进行了分析和梳理。本文的基本研究思路是先对高校学生利益表达的制度保障进行了相关的理论阐释;然后根据问卷调查和访谈的第一手资料,对高校学生利益表达的制度保障的现状、所存在的问题及其原因进行深入分析;最后,着重探讨了健全和完善高校学生利益表达的制度保障的对策与建议。 通过调查得知,目前我国高校学生利益表达的制度保障体系还存在不少问题与不足之处,如缺乏制度化的利益表达渠道,致使利益表达渠道不畅;学生民意调查与收集制度、学生事务公示制度与决策听证制度不完善;学生的权益救助制度不完善等等。因此,健全和完善高校学生利益表达的制度保障体系,使得学生群体的利益表达得到充分表达和有效反映,是保障学生主体地位及实现学生利益的必然途径。鉴于此,笔者根据自己的研究和理解,针对性的提出了相关对策与建议,试图从学生自治与参与管理制度、学生事务公示制度、学生民意调查与收集制度、学生决策听证制度、学生权益救助制度、弱势学生群体的“绿色通道”制度等六个方面来研究与探讨构建一个相对科学合理的高校学生利益表达的制度保障体系,从而为更加有效的维护和保障学生的正当利益提供理论支撑。
[Abstract]:With the progress of the society and the development of higher education, the main body consciousness of college students is constantly promoted, their personality is bright, their thoughts are active, and their interest demands express their consciousness and desire more and more intensely. Then they put forward more and higher requirements for their own rights and their legitimate interests. They want to reflect their opinions and suggestions through various ways and channels to express their interest demands. Although colleges and universities have begun to recognize, respect and protect the main status of students and their rights, but this is a gradual and gradual improvement process, need an effective system to support and protect the interests of the student community expression. Under this background, it is an indispensable link to perfect this system by examining the theoretical problems involved in the system and the deficiencies reflected in practice. This study mainly uses the methods of literature analysis, questionnaire investigation and interview to analyze the present situation and existing problems of the protection system of university students' interest expression. The basic research idea of this paper is to explain the system of the interest expression of college students first, and then, according to the first-hand data of questionnaire and interview, the present situation of the system protection of the expression of the interests of the students in colleges and universities is discussed. Finally, the author discusses the countermeasures and suggestions of perfecting and perfecting the institutional guarantee of university students' interest expression. Through the investigation, we can know that there are still many problems and deficiencies in the system of protecting the students' interests in our country, such as the lack of institutionalized channels of interest expression, the lack of the channels of interest expression, the system of public opinion survey and collection of students' public opinion. The system of public announcement of student affairs and the system of decision-making hearing are not perfect, and the system of aid for students' rights and interests is not perfect. Therefore, it is an inevitable way to improve and perfect the institutional guarantee system of students' interest expression in colleges and universities, so that the interest expression of students' groups can be fully expressed and reflected effectively, which is an inevitable way to ensure the students' main position and realize the students' interests. In view of this, according to my own research and understanding, the author puts forward the relevant countermeasures and suggestions, attempts from the student autonomy and participation management system, student affairs publicity system, student public opinion survey and collection system, student decision-making hearing system, The system of student rights and interests relief, the "green channel" system of disadvantaged student groups, etc., to study and discuss the construction of a relatively scientific and reasonable system to ensure the expression of students' interests in colleges and universities. Thus provide theoretical support for more effective maintenance and protection of the legitimate interests of students.
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