本文选题:任务驱动教学法 + 信息技术 ; 参考:《第四军医大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:《计算机应用基础》是军医大学各医学专业本科学员必修的公共基础课程之一,该课程在培养学生的信息技术知识、能力素养方面起着基础性、综合性和先导性的作用。但当前高校计算机教学中却普遍存在着学员计算机基础参差不齐、学习动力不足、兴趣不高、上课注意力不集中和教学形式单一、教学效果不理想等亟待解决的问题。针对存在的问题,结合军队院校学员学习生活的特殊性,对计算机应用基础课实施了基于任务驱动的教学模式实践探索与研究。任务驱动教学法是以情境认知理论、建构主义理论与人本主义理论为基础的一种有效教学模式,当前已在部分职业技术院校教学中得到初步尝试与运用,取得了良好效果,被证明是一种典型的适用于操作性、实践性课程的有效教学模式。因此,将任务驱动教学法引入计算机应用基础实践教学,旨在通过“任务驱动”激发学员学习兴趣与学习动机,提高学员的计算机应用能力与信息素养,培养锻炼学员动手操作能力、分析问题和解决问题的能力,全面提升学生的自主学习能力、创新能力与协作精神。 论文共分五部分。第一部分首先通过对相关文献的研究与教学现状的调查了解,分析了课题研究背景和现状,指出了军医大学计算机教学改革的必要性。第二部分着重阐述了任务驱动教学法的基本思想、理论与物质基础,并构建了完善的任务驱动教学模式图。第三部分着重对论述了任务驱动教学法在计算机应用基础课程中的实践探索过程、研究方法,详细论述了计算机应用学科中基于任务驱动法的教学实施流程、教学设计原则与要求。第四部分主要对任务驱动法教学实践研究结果进行讨论分析,肯定了基于任务驱动教学法的计算机应用基础课实践教学改革对激发学员学习兴趣和学习积极性、提高教学效果有很大的促进作用,为信息技术条件下任务驱动教学法有效应用于军医大学实验操作性课程教学提供了较好的实践依据和方法借鉴。第五部分是对基于任务驱动教学法的计算机应用基础实践课题研究的小结,在肯定成绩的同时也指出了课题研究的局限性以及研究过程中存在的不足与问题,,并对后续研究方向与思路做了认真的思考与展望。
[Abstract]:The basis of computer application is one of the compulsory public basic courses for undergraduate students majoring in medicine in military Medical University. This course plays a fundamental, comprehensive and leading role in training students' information technology knowledge and ability accomplishment. However, in the current computer teaching in colleges and universities, there are many problems, such as uneven computer foundation, insufficient learning motivation, low interest, lack of concentration in class, single teaching form, unsatisfactory teaching effect, and so on. In view of the existing problems and the particularity of the study and life of the cadets in military academies, the practical exploration and research of the task-driven teaching mode for the basic course of computer application are carried out. Task-driven teaching method is an effective teaching model based on situational cognition theory, constructivism theory and humanism theory. At present, it has been preliminarily tried and applied in some vocational and technical colleges and achieved good results. It has proved to be a typical effective teaching model for operational and practical courses. Therefore, introducing task-driven teaching method into basic practical teaching of computer application aims at arousing students' learning interest and motivation through "task-driven", so as to improve students' computer application ability and information literacy. To train the students' ability of hands-on operation, problem analysis and problem-solving, and improve the students' ability of autonomous learning, innovation and cooperation. The paper is divided into five parts. The first part analyzes the background and present situation of the subject through the investigation and understanding of the related literature and the current situation of teaching, and points out the necessity of the reform of computer teaching in military Medical University. The second part focuses on the basic idea, theory and material basis of task-driven teaching method, and constructs a perfect task-driven teaching model map. The third part focuses on the practical exploration process and research method of task-driven teaching method in the basic course of computer application, and discusses in detail the implementation flow of task-driven teaching in computer application discipline. Teaching design principles and requirements. The fourth part mainly discusses and analyzes the research results of task-driven teaching practice, and affirms that the practical teaching reform of the basic course of computer application based on task-driven teaching method can stimulate the students' learning interest and enthusiasm. Improving the teaching effect has a great promoting effect, which provides a good practical basis and method reference for the effective application of task-driven teaching method in the experiment operation course teaching of military medical university under the condition of information technology. The fifth part is the summary of the research on the basic practice of computer application based on task-driven teaching method. It also points out the limitations of the research and the shortcomings and problems in the course of the research. And the future research direction and train of thought have made the serious consideration and the prospect.
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