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发布时间:2018-07-24 21:38
【摘要】: 当今世界已步入知识经济的时代,而科技创新是知识经济时代的重要特征。作为我国科技创新的重要力量,高等学校在国家的科技事业中发挥着越来越重要的作用,处于举足轻重的地位。2005年中共河北省委、河北省人民政府通过关于加强科技工作的决定,提出以能力建设为核心,完善区域科技创新体系,其中很重要的一项就是充分发挥科研机构和高等学校在科技创新中的骨干作用。区域社会经济的发展对高校科技创新提出了紧迫的要求,也对现阶段研究我省的高校科技创新能力提出了紧迫的要求。 本文以高校科技创新在国家发展中的重要作用为出发点,从国家创新系统的角度比较了国内外高校科技创新的基本情况,分析了我国高校科技创新能力不足和创新系统效率不高的症结。由于目前我国还没有比较系统的高校科技创新能力评价指标体系,所以本文在进行了大量的系统分析和比较研究后,建立了一套较为全面的针对高校科技创新能力的综合评价指标体系,并选取了29个省市的高校科技统计数据,运用因子分析法,对河北省的高校科技创新能力做出了较为准确的定位和较为客观的评价。通过对评价结果的分析,找出了影响河北省高校科技创新能力提高的主要问题。最后,在现状比较和实证分析的基础之上提出了提升河北省高校科技创新能力的途径和建议。
[Abstract]:Nowadays the world has stepped into the era of knowledge economy, and scientific and technological innovation is an important feature of the era of knowledge economy. As an important force of scientific and technological innovation in China, colleges and universities play a more and more important role in the country's scientific and technological undertakings. Through the decision on strengthening scientific and technological work, the people's Government of Hebei Province has proposed to improve the regional scientific and technological innovation system by taking capacity-building as the core. One of the most important is to give full play to the backbone role of scientific research institutions and institutions of higher learning in scientific and technological innovation. The development of regional social economy has put forward urgent requirements for the scientific and technological innovation in colleges and universities, and has also put forward urgent requirements for the study of the scientific and technological innovation ability of colleges and universities in our province at this stage. Based on the important role of scientific and technological innovation in the development of the country, this paper compares the basic situation of scientific and technological innovation in colleges and universities at home and abroad from the point of view of national innovation system. This paper analyzes the crux of the insufficiency of science and technology innovation ability and the inefficiency of innovation system in colleges and universities of our country. Because there is no systematic evaluation index system of scientific and technological innovation ability in colleges and universities in our country at present, this paper has carried out a lot of systematic analysis and comparative research. This paper establishes a comprehensive evaluation index system for the scientific and technological innovation ability of colleges and universities, and selects the scientific and technological statistics data of 29 provinces and cities, and applies the factor analysis method. The scientific and technological innovation ability of colleges and universities in Hebei Province is accurately positioned and evaluated objectively. Through the analysis of the evaluation results, this paper finds out the main problems that affect the improvement of the scientific and technological innovation ability of colleges and universities in Hebei Province. Finally, based on the comparison of the present situation and the empirical analysis, the author puts forward the ways and suggestions to improve the ability of scientific and technological innovation in colleges and universities in Hebei Province.


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