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发布时间:2018-07-28 14:58
【摘要】:1999年我国高等教育开始实行扩招政策,标志着我国高等教育由精英教育逐步转向大众化教育,这一政策为更多的青年人提供了接受高等教育的机会,也为我国社会经济发展奠定了人才基础。但高等教育规模的迅速扩张,也使大学生的就业竞争变得的日益激烈起来,大学生的就业已经成为社会广泛关注的热点和难点问题,它对于我国高等教育的健康发展以及社会的安定团结都有重要影响。所以,在当前激烈的社会竞争压力下,指导大学毕业生做出正确的职业选择,帮助他们顺利的完成由“学生”到“职员”的角色转变,更快更好地适应社会发展的需求,,已成为各高校就业指导工作所面临的核心问题。 高校就业指导部门对大学生的引导和帮助,是改善目前大学生就业问题的一个重要途径,也是帮助大学生实现全面发展的一个重要手段。我国高校也逐步认识到就业指导工作的重要性,相继建立了负责大学生就业指导工作的专门机构,并取得了一定的成效,但其中存在的问题也不容我们忽视。鉴于此,笔者通过对河南省5所高校的调查,了解了大学生就业指导工作的现状,找出了其存在的问题,分析了其问题产生的原因,并针对这些问题提出了相应的改善对策和建议,希望能够对完善大学生就业指导工作有所帮助。本研究共分为五个章节: 第一章,引言。主要对问题的提出、研究意义、文献综述、研究方法等方面进行论述,界定相关概念。 第二章,大学生就业指导工作的调查。本章节首先对调查方案进行阐述,进而在分析调查结果的基础上,从就业指导的机构设置、人员配备、指导对象、指导内容与指导方式这几个方面,对大学生就业指导工作的现状进行探讨。 第三章,大学生就业指导工作的成效与问题。此章节结合大学生就业指导工作的现状,对其取得的成效进行总结,同时指出其存在的问题,并对问题产生原因进行分析。 第四章,国外大学生就业指导工作的实践与经验。通过介绍美、日、德、英、韩几国大学生就业指导工作的基本做法,并结合我国的实际情况,总结可供我们学习和借鉴的成功经验。 第五章,改善大学生就业指导工作的对策。本章节针对大学生就业指导工作存在的问题及其原因,结合国外可借鉴的经验,提出了相应的对策和建议。
[Abstract]:In 1999, China's higher education began to implement the policy of enrollment expansion, which marked the gradual shift of China's higher education from elite education to popular education. This policy has provided more young people with opportunities to receive higher education. Also for the social and economic development of our country laid a talent base. However, the rapid expansion of the scale of higher education also makes the employment competition of college students become increasingly fierce. The employment of college students has become a hot and difficult issue widely concerned by the society. It has an important impact on the healthy development of higher education and social stability and unity. Therefore, under the pressure of intense social competition, college graduates are instructed to make correct career choices, to help them smoothly complete the transformation from the role of "student" to "employee", and to adapt to the needs of social development more quickly and better. It has become the core problem of employment guidance in colleges and universities. The guidance and help of college employment guidance department is an important way to improve the employment problem of college students at present, and also an important means to help students achieve comprehensive development. Colleges and universities in our country have gradually realized the importance of employment guidance, and have established specialized institutions responsible for employment guidance for college students one after another, and have achieved certain results, but the existing problems should not be ignored by us. In view of this, through the investigation of 5 colleges and universities in Henan Province, the author understands the present situation of the employment guidance work of college students, finds out the existing problems, and analyzes the causes of the problems. It also puts forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions to solve these problems, hoping to be helpful to improve the employment guidance of college students. This research is divided into five chapters: chapter one, introduction. This paper mainly discusses the problems, research significance, literature review, research methods, and defines the relevant concepts. The second chapter, the university student employment guidance work investigation. Based on the analysis of the investigation results, this chapter first elaborates the investigation scheme, and then analyzes the organization, staffing, object, contents and methods of employment guidance. The present situation of employment guidance for college students is discussed. Chapter III, the effectiveness and problems of employment guidance for college students. Combined with the present situation of college students' employment guidance, this chapter summarizes its achievements, points out its existing problems, and analyzes the causes of the problems. The fourth chapter, the foreign university student employment guidance work practice and the experience. By introducing the basic methods of employment guidance for college students in the United States, Japan, Germany, Britain and South Korea, and combining with the actual situation in our country, this paper sums up the successful experience for us to learn and learn from. Chapter five, the countermeasures to improve the employment guidance of college students. According to the problems and reasons of college students' employment guidance, combined with the experience of foreign countries, this chapter puts forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions.


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