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发布时间:2018-08-27 16:13
【摘要】:生命是世界存在和发展的基础,有生命的个人的存在更是人类历史的第一个前提。生命是人的载体,没有生命这个载体,人的一切都将毫无意义,世界,正是因为有了生命而精彩。每个人的一生都要经历很多阶段,这其中,大学时代是最美好的一段时光,同时也是人们世界观、人生观、价值观形成的重要时期。近年来,随着社会发展脚步的逐渐加快,大学生群体在面临就业、恋爱及继续深造等一系列的问题时,遇到挫折和困难,很容易采用自杀或伤害他人生命的极端方法,这已逐渐成为了一个社会化问题。究其原因,,一方面是随着网络时代的到来,大学生接受了越来越多外界的信息。另一方面,就是在面对生命的价值、人生的意义以及人与人之间的关系等问题时,这些青年学生缺乏真正的了解和深入的思考,同时,加之缺乏系统的学校、家庭、社会等方面的引导,使学生们在这方面迷失方向,导致大学生生命价值观异化,才会使他们表现出对生命的冷漠。 通过对“大学生生命价值取向的实证调查”,我们了解到我国当代大学生的生命价值观总体来说是积极向上的,他们对于生命能够抱着一种珍惜的态度,同时对个人的未来充满了信心,有一定的责任心。具体表现为,渴望现实的幸福,但生活满意度较低;关注实现自我价值,但更关心“如何生存”;珍惜生命,强调责任,但更加关注个人生命;探索生命的意义,但精神信仰迷失。同时,调查结果也显示出我国当代大学生生命价值观中存在的一些问题,比如少数大学生漠视生命、对生命的意义充满怀疑,对当今社会发展缺乏信心,表现出消极的一面。究其原因,一方面由于目前我们的学校教育较为注重知识培养和技能培训而忽视了个体的生命发展,以分数和知识来衡量一个学生好坏的方式,就使教育成为了培养读书机器的工具,最初的教育目标便离我们越来越远。另一方面,在我国大部分的家庭教育中,智育永远放在了最重要的位置。家长极为重视孩子的成绩,忽视了他们成长过程中的人文教育和培养,也忽视了对其心理健康的关注,致使很多学生在没有考出理想成绩的时候出现了恐惧、焦虑的情绪,而在这种不良情绪得不到适当调节和排解时,便极易产生危险后果。第三,改革开放带来了社会的巨大变革,物质的极大丰富逐渐凸显了金钱的重要而忽视了精神的匮乏。在这样一种社会氛围中成长起来的一代大学生,其生命价值观也渐渐偏离了生命的内涵和本质。 针对当代大学生生命价值观的现状及形成原因,本文提出了学校、家庭、社会三方教育的对策。其中以学校教育作为重点,通过完善大学生生命价值观教育内容,即生命意义教育、生命信仰教育、人生理想教育、人生责任教育;创新教育方法,包括以“两课”为基础,构建生命课堂、开展多姿多彩的校园文化活动,体会青春的活力、以志愿者行动为载体,体验生命价值等。在家庭方面,营造温馨、和睦的家庭氛围,使家长树立良好的榜样并建立科学的育人观,同时社会给予各方面的支持等对策,对当代大学生的生命价值观进行正面引导,三方合力共同培养学生拥有尊重生命、关怀生命并珍爱生命的能力。 文献分析法和问卷调查法为本文的主要研究方法。在吸取和借鉴相关成果的基础上,通过文献法对生命、生命特征、生命价值等理论进行研究。同时,以本人多年的高校学生管理工作经验,结合调查问卷(问卷详见附录),获取一手资料,使当代大学生生命价值观现状研究更具针对性和说服力。在认真研究相关成果的基础上,本论文并不仅仅将对大学生生命价值观教育作为一门单独的学科提出措施,而是挖掘出其与大学生思想政治工作的内在联系,目的是为高校学生思想政治教育工作提供一定参考。但是,由于对相关基础理论知识的研究还停留在较为肤浅的层面,因此,在理论指导实践这一方面还有所欠缺,不能将理论知识很好的运用于实践中。
[Abstract]:Life is the foundation of the existence and development of the world, and the existence of a living individual is the first premise of human history. Life is the carrier of human beings. Without life as the carrier, everything of human beings will be meaningless. The world is wonderful because of life. Everyone has to go through many stages in his life, among which the university age is the most beautiful. In recent years, with the gradual acceleration of social development, college students are facing a series of problems such as employment, love and continuing to study. When they encounter setbacks and difficulties, it is easy to use extreme methods of suicide or injury to other people's lives. It has gradually become a social problem. The reason is, on the one hand, with the advent of the Internet era, college students have received more and more information from the outside world. On the other hand, they lack real understanding and deep thinking in the face of the value of life, the meaning of life and the relationship between people. At the same time, the lack of systematic guidance from schools, families and society makes students lose their orientation in this respect, which leads to the alienation of College Students'values of life, and makes them show indifference to life.
Through the empirical investigation on the value orientation of college students'life, we know that the life values of contemporary college students in China are generally positive and upward. They can cherish life and have a certain sense of responsibility for their future. Life satisfaction is low; concern about realizing self-worth, but more concern about "how to survive"; cherish life, emphasize responsibility, but pay more attention to personal life; explore the meaning of life, but lose spiritual belief. At the same time, the survey results also show some problems of contemporary college students'life values, such as a few college students indifference. Looking at life, we are full of doubts about the meaning of life, lacking confidence in the development of today's society, and showing a negative side. The reason is that, on the one hand, our school education pays more attention to knowledge training and skill training while ignoring the individual's life development. On the other hand, intellectual education has always been the most important part of family education in our country. Parents attach great importance to their children's achievements, neglect their humanistic education and training in the process of growing up, and neglect their attention to their mental health. As a result, many students are afraid and anxious when they fail to get their ideal grades, and when this bad mood can not be properly regulated and resolved, it is very easy to have dangerous consequences. Third, reform and opening up has brought about great changes in society, material enrichment has gradually highlighted the importance of money and neglected the lack of spirit. Lack. Growing up in such a social atmosphere, a generation of college students have gradually deviated from the connotation and essence of life.
In view of the present situation and causes of the contemporary college students'life values, this paper puts forward the Countermeasures of school, family and society education. Law, including "two lessons" as the basis, to build a life classroom, carry out colorful campus cultural activities, experience the vitality of youth, volunteer action as a carrier, experience the value of life, etc. In the family, to create a warm, harmonious family atmosphere, so that parents set a good example and establish a scientific outlook on education, at the same time, the community gives all parties. Face-to-face support and other measures to guide the values of life of contemporary college students, the tripartite joint efforts to cultivate students with respect for life, care for life and cherish life.
Literature analysis and questionnaire survey are the main research methods in this paper. On the basis of absorbing and drawing lessons from the relevant achievements, this paper studies the theory of life, life characteristics and life value through literature method. At the same time, with my years of College Students'management experience, combined with the questionnaire (the questionnaire is detailed in the appendix), it obtains first-hand information, so as to make it suitable. On the basis of careful study of the relevant achievements, this paper not only puts forward measures to the education of College Students'life values as a separate discipline, but also excavates its internal links with the ideological and political work of College students, aiming to provide the ideological and political education for college students. However, the study of relevant basic theoretical knowledge is still at a superficial level. Therefore, there are still some deficiencies in the aspect of theoretical guidance and practice, and theoretical knowledge can not be well used in practice.


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