[Abstract]:Based on the survey data of an engineering university in Nanjing based on NSSE-CHINA questionnaire, this paper constructs a three-dimensional structural model of college students' learning input by using high-order confirmatory factor analysis. The fitting index and reliability validity of the three-dimension structure model and the NSSE-CHINA five-dimensional structure model were compared. By using the multilevel linear model (HLM), this paper analyzes the effects of the three dimensional factors of college students' learning input and the environmental factors, as well as the five dimensions' study input index on the educational harvest. The results show that: first, the learning input of college students can be divided into three dimensions: behavioral input, cognitive input and emotional input; second, the three-dimensional structure of college students' learning input has a good reliability and validity index. The three-dimensional degree structure model fits the data of the engineering college well. Thirdly, the effect of individual learning input on educational harvest is greater than that of environmental factors. The three-dimensional structure of learning input clarifies the relationship between individual learning input and environmental impact. Fourthly, the three dimensions of college students' learning investment have the strongest correlation with cognitive investment and behavioral input. Fifth, Researchers should reasonably use the relevant scales and their structural indicators according to their needs.
【作者单位】: 南京邮电大学教学质量监控与评估中心;南京邮电大学教育科学与技术学院;
【基金】:江苏省教育科学研十二五规课题“基于CCSS调查的大学生学习投入结构及影响因素研究”(D/2013/01/085) 南京邮电大学教育科学规划重点课题“基于学生感知的教育教学质量评价指标与评价体系研究”
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