[Abstract]:In the period of the Republic of China, the employment situation of college students is not only a complex and still need to be studied deeply, but also a problem of great practical significance. After the founding of the Republic of China, the government promulgated some laws and regulations to develop higher education, which promoted the development of higher education. In terms of employment ratio, the employment situation of public university graduates is better than that of private university graduates on the whole, and there are differences in employment between different regions and different majors. In terms of employment direction, under the influence of the government's policy of encouraging teacher education and improving the treatment of teachers, the education industry is the choice of many university graduates, followed by government departments and other departments. At the same time, The economic development of the Republic of China gave birth to a large number of new departments and occupations, and brought more employment options to college students. In this period, the employment of college students has the following characteristics: the first is the imbalance between supply and demand. It includes the imbalance between the demands of subjects and the imbalance between regions, which is related to the imbalance of the development of higher education disciplines, and is also influenced by the government's overall planning of employment and the personal orientation of students' choice of employment, followed by the higher employment expectations of college students. College students are the proud children of nature, not only the society, including themselves, are very proud of their own status, think that they have the ability to "beyond", have a higher expectation of employment; finally, there is unemployment of college students. During the period of the Republic of China, the social situation was unstable, which increased the difficulty for college students to apply for jobs, and at the same time caused an impact on the stability of the employment of college students. In addition to the influence of social situation, the employment policies and channels of government in different periods are also an important factor affecting the employment of college students. The employment path of college students mainly includes the government as a whole, relying on social relations to seek employment, and on their own efforts to find a job. Higher education system and vocational education also have an impact on the employment of college students. Vocational education adapts to the needs of social development and has a positive impact on the employment of college students. The unbalanced development of subjects and the quality of college students are also the important factors affecting the employment of college students.
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