[Abstract]:Based on the theory of three dimensional crisis check and evaluation model and the results of open questionnaire, the paper constructs the dimensional framework of college students' network information crisis scale. On this basis, the university student network information crisis scale was compiled. The dimension frame of the scale was revised by exploratory factor analysis method and the rationality of dimension frame was verified by confirmatory factor analysis method. The multiple regression analysis was used to integrate the induced paths of college students' network information crisis, and finally the college students' network information crisis scale with high reliability and validity was compiled. The current situation of network information crisis of college students is analyzed with this scale, and appropriate crisis intervention strategies are put forward according to the application results. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) the scale has good reliability and validity and can be used as a tool to measure the network information crisis of college students; (2) the degree of network information crisis of college students is moderate. The degree of network information crisis at each level is as follows: emotional crisis cognitive crisis behavior crisis; (3) male and female students have significant difference in the severity of network information crisis. Male students are more serious than girls in emotional crisis and behavioral crisis, while in cognitive crisis, the severity of female students is slightly higher than that of male students. (4) there are significant differences in grade of college students' network information crisis. There are significant differences in network information crisis among different major types, that is, arts and physical education in science, and (6) there is no significant difference in the origin of network information crisis among college students. This shows that no matter where they come from, they will face the danger of network information crisis when they arrive at the same place. (7) the difference in self-evaluation achievement of college students' network information crisis. And students with poor academic performance, students with medium grades, students with good grades.
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