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发布时间:2018-09-11 09:29
【摘要】:新时期以来,中国高等教育经历了波澜壮阔的三十年历程。高校管理工作也经历了不断摸索、推陈出新的复杂阶段。高校班主任作为高校中的重要力量,发挥了巨大而积极的作用。加强高校大学生思想政治教育是一项紧迫而重要的任务,而加强班主任工作是其基础工作之一。班主任是大学生思想政治教育的骨干力量,负有在思想、学习和生活等方面指导学生的职责,在高校大学生思想政治教育工作中具有十分重要的地位,发挥了不可替代的作用,因此有必要对高校班主任的地位和作用进行系统研究。 本论文以历史为背景和依据,从高校班主任的起源开始研究。根据新时期教育改革的发展历史,依托新教育纲要颁布等相关文件,将新时期高校班主任工作划分为五个阶段,进行分阶段的具体研究,分析各阶段高校班主任的地位和作用,尤其是现阶段的地位及作用,旨在为以后的高校班主任工作提供参考,为更好地开展高校班主任工作提供依据。为达到上述研究目的,本文通过问卷调查、史料分析、实践研究等方法,着重对现阶段高校班主任的地位及作用进行重点剖析。首先,宏观上,高校班主任源自大学生思想政治教育的工作需要;微观上,高校班主任出于学校、学生和教师三方的现实需要。其次,对现阶段高校班主任的构成、选聘、考核、培训以及具体工作中所发挥的作用等各方面情况进行细致的调查和研究。除此之外,还对班主任和辅导员的关系进行进一步研究,为班主任如何利用自身优势更好地开展育人工作提出建议。通过以上各方面的研究,指出现阶段高校班主任工作存在的问题,并以北方工业大学为例,提出高校班主任的实践策略。最后,以国家新颁布的指导性文件为导向,为未来班主任工作提出新思路。论文不仅对高校班主任的地位和作用进行总结,更对未来高校班主任工作提出合理建议。
[Abstract]:Since the new era, China's higher education has experienced a magnificent history of 30 years. The management of colleges and universities has also experienced a complex stage of continuous exploration and innovation. As an important force in colleges and universities, class teachers have played a huge and positive role. It is an urgent and important task to strengthen the ideological and political education of college students. Class teacher is the backbone of college students' ideological and political education, and has the responsibility of guiding students in ideology, study and life. It plays an important role in the ideological and political education of college students and plays an irreplaceable role. Therefore, it is necessary to make a systematic study on the status and role of class teachers in colleges and universities. This thesis, based on history, begins with the origin of class teacher in colleges and universities. According to the development history of the education reform in the new period, and relying on the relevant documents such as the promulgation of the new education outline, this paper divides the work of the class teacher in the new period into five stages, carries on the concrete research in stages, and analyzes the position and function of the class teacher in each stage. In particular, the status and role of the present stage are intended to provide a reference for the future work of the class teacher in colleges and universities, and to provide the basis for the better development of the work of the class teacher in colleges and universities. In order to achieve the above research purpose, this paper focuses on the status and role of class teachers in colleges and universities by means of questionnaire, historical data analysis, practical research and other methods. First of all, from the macro point of view, the head teacher of a university originates from the work needs of ideological and political education of college students; microscopically, the teacher in charge of a class in a university is based on the practical needs of the school, students and teachers. Secondly, this paper makes a detailed investigation and study on the composition, selection, appointment, examination, training and the role played in the concrete work of the class teacher in colleges and universities. In addition, the relationship between the teacher in charge and the counselor is further studied, and some suggestions on how to make use of their own advantages to carry out the work of educating people are put forward. Through the above research, this paper points out the problems existing in the work of class teachers in colleges and universities, and takes the Northern University of Technology as an example to put forward the practical strategies of class teachers in colleges and universities. Finally, the new guidance document issued by the state as a guide, for the future work of class teacher put forward new ideas. This paper not only summarizes the status and function of the class teacher, but also puts forward some reasonable suggestions for the future work of the class teacher.


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