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发布时间:2018-09-18 09:56
【摘要】:目的:旨在了解医学本科生艾滋病相关知识的知晓率,分析医学生对艾滋病的歧视现状及检测意愿,并探索影响人群艾滋病检测意愿的可能因素,为进一步开展艾滋病综合防治工作提供背景资料,也为更有效地制定艾滋病健康教育及干预措施提供参考依据。 材料及方法:于2011年2月采用分层整群随机抽样方法,抽取天津医科大学护理、临床五年制、临床七年制、卫生事业管理、眼视光、医学检验、医学英语、医学影像五年制、影像七年制、预防医学共10个专业的在校学生,包括大一、大二、大三、大四各年级,共计997人。采用匿名填写方式进行问卷调查,并当场收回问卷。调查内容包括一般人口学资料:性别、年龄、民族、年级、专业、学制及家庭月收入;艾滋病相关知识:包括艾滋病一般知识、传播途径知识、非传播途径知识、预防知识,共12个问题;对艾滋病的歧视态度:是否介意同艾滋病感染者社交接触、共用医疗设施等24个问题;参与艾滋病检测意愿:是否愿意参加检测、若感染是否愿意告知身边人等6个问题。全部调查数据录入均在Excel中进行,采用SPSS15.0统计软件进行描述和分析。统计调查对象对于艾滋病知识的知晓率,并分性别、家庭月收入、年级分别计算知晓率,采用卡方检验进行知晓率的比较。艾滋病歧视部分所调查的24个问题按照歧视性回答、非歧视性回答、不确定3类进行统计描述。艾滋病检测意愿的影响因素分析采用非条件Logistic回归,将是否愿意参加艾滋病检测作为应变量,性别、年龄、民族、年级、专业、家庭月收入、艾滋病知识得分、艾滋病歧视态度得分作为自变量。 结果:本次共发放问卷997份,收回问卷997份,其中有效问卷986份,问卷有效率为98.9%。调查学生的年龄为(21.928±1.302)岁,最小19岁,最大26岁。在调查的12个艾滋病知识中,有8个问题的知晓率均为90%以上。知晓率相对较低的问题及知晓率为:75.6%的人知晓“从外表不能判断一个人感染艾滋病”,有84.1%的人知晓“如果母亲是艾滋病感染者,母乳喂养可以传播给婴儿”,有84.9%的人知晓“保持一个未感染艾滋病病毒的性伴能降低艾滋病传播的危险”,仅有60.2%的人知晓“蚊虫叮咬不会传播艾滋病病毒”。男性对于“感染了艾滋病病毒的孕妇能将艾滋病病毒传染给她的孩子”和“受艾滋病病毒感染的妇女生下的小孩可能患艾滋病”的知晓率均高于女性(P0.05)。家庭月收入3000元、3000-4999元、5000-7999元、≥8000元的调查对象对于“感染了艾滋病病毒的孕妇能将艾滋病病毒传染给她的孩子”、“与艾滋病感染者握手、拥抱是否会传播艾滋病”的知晓率差别有统计学意义(P0.05),但未发现明显的变化规律。大一、大二、大三、大四年级调查对象对于部分问题的知晓率差别有统计学意义(P0.05),但亦未发现明显的变化规律。调查对象对艾滋病的歧视态度最严重的三项依次为:75.1%的人认为“因性乱而感染HIV的人,不值得人们同情”,68.9%的人认为“不应允许感染HIV的医护人员继续工作”,68.8%的人认为“因吸毒而感染HIV的人,不值得人们同情”。有6.19%的调查对象认为自己可能感染艾滋病,有82.76%的人愿意参加HIV免费检测。如果感染了艾滋病,有23.23%的人认为有必要对周围人隐瞒。如要向别人透露,有82.45%的人会告诉父母、兄弟、姐妹,有93.41%的人会告诉配偶、性伴,只有50.71%的人会告诉朋友。艾滋病检测意愿影响因素的多因素非条件Logistic回归分析结果显示,艾滋病知识得分、艾滋病歧视态度得分进入模型(P0.05),艾滋病知识得分变量的优势比为2.717,95%CI为1.695~4.357,表示对艾滋病知识更为了解时,调查对象参与艾滋病检测的意愿会有所增加。艾滋病歧视态度得分变量的优势比为0.601,95%CI为0.461~0.785,表示对艾滋病歧视程度越高,调查对象参与艾滋病检测的意愿会越低。未发现其他变量与艾滋病检测意愿有关(P0.05)。 结论:医学本科生对艾滋病知识的知晓率普遍较高,但对艾滋病存在较严重的歧视态度。掌握艾滋病相关防治知识,确立对艾滋病的正确态度,将有助于其参与自愿咨询检测。
[Abstract]:Objective: To understand the awareness rate of AIDS-related knowledge among medical undergraduates, analyze the status of discrimination against AIDS and their willingness to test, and explore the possible factors affecting the willingness to test AIDS among medical undergraduates, so as to provide background information for further comprehensive prevention and treatment of AIDS, and to formulate AIDS health education more effectively. Provide reference for intervention measures.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: In February 2011, stratified cluster random sampling method was used to select nursing students from Tianjin Medical University, including freshmen, sophomores, juniors and college students majoring in preventive medicine. Fourth grade, a total of 997 people. Anonymous questionnaire was used to fill out the questionnaire and collect the questionnaire on the spot. The survey included general demographic data: gender, age, nationality, grade, specialty, education system and family monthly income; AIDS-related knowledge: including general knowledge of AIDS, knowledge of transmission routes, knowledge of non-transmission routes, prevention knowledge. Twelve questions, 12 questions altogether; Discriminatory attitudes towards AIDS: whether to accept social contact with people living with AIDS, sharing medical facilities and other 24 questions; willingness to participate in AIDS testing: whether to participate in testing, if the infection is willing to inform others and other six questions. The knowledge rate of AIDS was calculated by gender, monthly family income and grade respectively, and was compared by chi-square test. The 24 questionnaires of AIDS discrimination were described by discriminatory answer, non-discriminatory answer and uncertainty. Non-conditional logistic regression was used to analyze the influencing factors of willingness to take part in AIDS testing. The willingness to take part in AIDS testing was taken as an independent variable, including gender, age, nationality, grade, specialty, family monthly income, AIDS knowledge score and AIDS discriminatory attitude score.
Results: A total of 997 questionnaires were sent out and 997 questionnaires were retrieved, of which 986 were valid, with an effective rate of 98.9%. The age of the students surveyed was (21.928 [1.302] years old, the youngest 19 years old and the oldest 26 years old. 6% knew that "one can not judge from the appearance of a person infected with AIDS", 84.1% knew that "if the mother is infected with AIDS, breastfeeding can be transmitted to infants", 84.9% knew that "maintaining a non-infected sexual partner can reduce the risk of AIDS transmission", only 60.2% knew "mosquitoes". Bites do not transmit HIV.Men have higher awareness of the fact that "pregnant women infected with HIV can transmit HIV to their children" and that "children born to HIV-infected women may be infected with AIDS" than women (P 0.05). Family income is 3,000 yuan, 3,000-4,999 yuan, 5,000-7,999 yuan, or more than 8,000 yuan. There were significant differences in the awareness rates of "pregnant women infected with HIV can transmit HIV to their children" and "shaking hands with HIV-infected people, hugging whether AIDS will spread" among the respondents (P 0.05), but no obvious changes were found. The three most serious discriminatory attitudes towards AIDS were as follows: 75.1% of the respondents believed that "people infected with HIV due to sexual disorder are not worthy of sympathy," and 68.9% of the respondents believed that "medical staff infected with HIV should not be allowed to continue working." Sixty-nine percent of the respondents thought that they might be infected with AIDS, and 82.76 percent would take part in free HIV testing. 93.41% of parents, brothers and sisters told their spouses and sexual partners, and only 50.71% told their friends. Multivariate non-conditional logistic regression analysis showed that AIDS knowledge score, AIDS discrimination attitude score entered the model (P 0.05), and the dominant ratio of AIDS knowledge score variables was 2.717. 95% CI was 1.695-4.357, indicating that the willingness of respondents to participate in AIDS testing would increase when they knew more about AIDS knowledge. The dominant ratio of AIDS discriminatory attitudes was 0.601, 95% CI was 0.461-0.785, indicating that the higher the degree of discrimination against AIDS, the lower the willingness of respondents to participate in AIDS testing. His variables were related to the willingness to detect AIDS (P0.05).
Conclusion: Medical undergraduates generally have a higher awareness rate of AIDS knowledge, but have a more serious discriminatory attitude towards AIDS. Mastering AIDS-related knowledge and establishing a correct attitude towards AIDS will help them to participate in voluntary counseling and testing.


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1 刘旺民;杨连第;张卫红;魏凤华;唐婴;万美;彭玲;赵s,




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