[Abstract]:There are two basic perspectives in the development of university citizenship education, one is the university education on citizenship and the other is university citizenship education based on citizenship. This thesis chooses the second angle to carry on the research. The full text is divided into five parts. The first part is the introduction, including the purpose and significance of the research, the status quo of the research at home and abroad, the research ideas, methods and innovative points. The second part is about the definition and discussion of the basic concepts such as citizenship, civic education and so on. On the basis of clear definition of the concept, this paper reviews the development of this topic, and studies the educational concepts adopted by some representative European, American and Asian countries or regions that carry out university civic education. The purpose of this paper is to provide reference material for the development of college citizenship education based on citizenship concept in our country. The third part examines the theoretical basis of citizenship in university citizenship education, that is, the theoretical basis of citizenship identity. Through empirical investigation and interview, this paper analyzes the degree of citizenship and its qualification in the practice of university citizenship education, and then puts forward the feasibility of implementing citizenship education based on citizenship concept in contemporary Chinese universities through the analysis of specific data. The fourth part constructs the content system of university civic education based on citizenship identity from three dimensions: theoretically, it mainly sets up civil rights and responsibilities education and citizen compulsory education; It mainly covers citizen moral education and citizen ecological education, and mainly carries on citizen life education and citizen happiness education in the value dimension of citizen's life. The fifth part is the conclusion, which shows the expectation and prospect of the university citizenship education based on citizenship theory under the background of globalization.
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