[Abstract]:Popular culture directly appeals to daily life, secular life, people's way of life through the material media to achieve planarization, intuitionism, experience, so as to achieve the instantaneous turn of human psychology and behavior. With the increasing influence of popular culture, the blind pursuit of popular culture weakens the critical ability of college students to some extent. It has a profound influence on the mode of thinking, behavior and value orientation of contemporary college students. The university period is an important stage for the formation and development of college students' outlook on life and values. Therefore, the development of contemporary college students' values is deeply investigated and studied. Help to guide college students to set up correct values and provide theoretical support and practical guidance. This paper analyzes the commercial, entertaining, secular and technical characteristics of popular culture. The development of modern media, the characteristics of mass culture and the flourishing development of urban culture industry are discussed in this paper. The formation of college students' values can not be separated from the influence of social cultural environment. Mass culture, as a cultural form in social culture, impacts on the social mainstream cultural form and deconstructs the ideology of college students. By analyzing and summarizing the present situation of the value orientation of contemporary college students, it is found that the value orientation of contemporary college students can be divided into political value, practical value, utilitarian value and academic value. The characteristics of giving consideration to public and private, western culture and traditional culture. At the same time, the value orientation of contemporary college students has the problems of fuzzy value cognition, deviation of value evaluation, imbalance of value identity and dislocation of value concept. An analysis of the influence of popular culture on the value orientation of contemporary college students in the aspects of politics, economy, life, morality, faith, aesthetics, etc. The countermeasures to optimize the negative influence of mass culture on the value orientation of college students are as follows: strengthening the education of socialist core values, guiding students to set up correct values, strengthening the education of college students' ideals and beliefs, and strengthening the students' ideals and beliefs; Strengthen the humanistic quality education of college students, enhance the humanistic literacy of college students; strengthen the aesthetic education of college students, strive to improve the aesthetic taste of college students; strengthen the construction of campus culture, actively advocate the mainstream culture of society and other strategies.
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