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发布时间:2018-10-19 13:41
【摘要】:创新和创业是当今社会的时代命题。大学不仅是研究学问、传播知识的地方,还是崇真、向善、求美和担当社会责任,并教人崇真、向善、求美和担当社会责任的地方。大学开展创业教育,培养学生的创业精神和创业能力是大学应当承担的社会责任,是大学使命的应有之义。可以这样说,没有任何时候比今天更需要重视大学生创业能力的培养,高等院校开展创业教育是经济社会发展对人才培养的必然要求,也是我国高校改革的一个方向。创业教育具有极强的实践性,高校创业教育的发展离不开社会机构的大力支持。在美国,考夫曼基金会通过开展“考夫曼校园计划”鼓励高校进行创业教育模式的创新,建立创业教育研究者交流的平台和机制等,对高校创业教育的发展作出了重要贡献,对于我国高校开展创业教育具有重要借鉴意义。 本文是对美国考夫曼校园计划实施的内容和代表性实践进行了研究,并运用SWOT理论进行了分析,结合国内创业教育的开展提出了该计划的经验和启示,基本框架如下: 绪论部分简要介绍本研究的背景、意义、内容和方法,着重对国内外已有的研究内容进行梳理,并对相关概念进行界定。第二部分介绍了考夫曼校园计划的背景和理念。第三部分概括了该计划的运行机制和内容,包括将创业内容融入课程体系、为学生参与创业活动提供更多地机会、鼓励教师参与创业教育、促进社区参与创业教育等。第四部分详细介绍了考夫曼校园的代表性实践。第五部分运用SWOT分析理论的概念和基本框架对该计划进行了初步分析。第六部分结合国内高校的创业教育的开展,提出了该计划的经验和启示。
[Abstract]:Innovation and entrepreneurship are contemporary social propositions. A university is not only a place to study and spread knowledge, but also a place to worship truth, to be good, to seek beauty and to take on social responsibility, and to teach people to worship truth, to be good, to seek beauty and to assume social responsibility. It is the social responsibility and the mission of the university to carry out entrepreneurship education and cultivate students' entrepreneurial spirit and ability. It can be said that there is no need to pay more attention to the cultivation of college students' entrepreneurial ability than today. It is an inevitable requirement of economic and social development to cultivate talents in colleges and universities, and it is also a direction of college reform in our country. Entrepreneurship education is highly practical, and the development of entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities can not be separated from the support of social institutions. In the United States, the Kaufman Foundation has made important contributions to the development of entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities by launching the "Kaufman Campus Plan" to encourage universities to innovate their entrepreneurial education models and to establish platforms and mechanisms for the exchange of researchers in entrepreneurship education. It is of great significance for colleges and universities to carry out entrepreneurship education. This paper studies the content and representative practice of Kaufman Campus Plan in America, analyzes it by using SWOT theory, and puts forward the experience and inspiration of this plan combined with the development of domestic entrepreneurship education. The basic framework is as follows: the introduction briefly introduces the background, significance, content and methods of this study, focusing on the existing research content at home and abroad, and define the relevant concepts. The second part introduces the background and concept of Kaufman campus plan. The third part summarizes the running mechanism and contents of the program, including the integration of entrepreneurial content into the curriculum system, providing more opportunities for students to participate in entrepreneurial activities, encouraging teachers to participate in entrepreneurship education, and promoting community participation in entrepreneurship education. The fourth part introduces the representative practice of Kaufman campus in detail. In the fifth part, the concept and basic framework of SWOT analysis theory are used to analyze the plan. The sixth part puts forward the experience and enlightenment of this plan combined with the development of entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities in China.


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