[Abstract]:In recent years, the number of female teachers in colleges and universities in China has been growing, but the increase in the number of female teachers does not mean that the pattern of "male center and female marginal" in the history of higher education has ceased to exist. Nor does it mean that the unique problems encountered by female teachers in the development process have been solved by themselves. The facts show that the crisis of marginalization and gender myth are still the two main predicaments of the development of female teachers in colleges and universities. The crisis of marginalization mainly exists in three forms: explicit marginalization, recessive marginalization and reverse marginalization, while gender myth mainly appears from two aspects: the myth of image identity and the myth of personality development.
【作者单位】: 湖南科技大学马克思主义学院;
【基金】:国家社科基金教育学一般项目“社会性别视角下的高校女教师发展研究”(BIA1000070) 湖南科技大学高等教育研究基地成果
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