[Abstract]:College students are the fresh blood of the country and the main force of the country in the future. The ideological and political education is not only related to the development of college students themselves, but also to the competitiveness of the country and the overall quality of the nation. The Party and the country and the whole society have been concerned about the ideological and political education of college students. College counselors are the most direct bearer of college students' ideological and political education and the core force of college students' ideological and political education. Therefore, the quality and work level of college counselors directly determine the effect of ideological and political education. Among them, the non-power influence is one of the important ways to improve the timeliness of ideological and political education. The non-power influence of college counselors is through their own political literacy and moral literacy. The comprehensive embodiment of knowledge literacy affects students' words and deeds, and promotes students to develop into positive and healthy aspects. This influence is not compulsory for students to accept, but allows students to accept and convince on the basis of the initiative from and internalize. This paper adopts the methods of theoretical research and empirical research to summarize the research background and significance of college counselors' non-power influence, and expounds the characteristics of counselors' non-power influence, its constituent elements and the theoretical basis of its application. Furthermore, this paper takes the counselors of nine universities, such as Dalian University of Technology, Dalian Maritime University, Northeast University of Finance and Economics, Dalian Medical University, as the research objects. The results show that the current non-power influence of college counselors exists such as the imperfect cultivation and management mechanism of counselors, the desalination of some counselors' ideals and beliefs, the lack of theoretical literacy, the lack of a strong sense of responsibility, and the backward concept of education. This paper emphatically points out that, while exerting the influence of university counselors' power, we should start with perfecting the relevant management system and improving the quality of the counselors themselves, so as to enhance the non-power influence of counselors in an all-round way. Enhance the effectiveness of ideological and political education for college students. This study explores a way to develop ideological and political education that suits the needs of college students and can give full play to the value of counselors themselves, and provides an effective reference and reference for the promotion and exertion of non-power influence of college counselors.
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