[Abstract]:With the rapid development of higher education in China, local colleges and universities are faced with some problems such as the development of scale and quality. How to ensure the quality of education at the same time when the scale of local colleges and universities is expanded will inevitably become the focus of attention. The improvement and guarantee of quality can not be separated from the scientific evaluation of local colleges and universities. Curriculum evaluation as an important part of the evaluation of local colleges and universities, also began to get more attention. This research is based on the historical opportunities and difficulties of the rapid development of local colleges and universities, aiming at the problems existing in the current curriculum evaluation of local colleges and universities, the mechanism of curriculum evaluation of local colleges and universities is studied. Including five parts: the first part is the introduction, mainly introduces the background and significance of the study, research ideas and methods; The present situation of curriculum evaluation research at home and abroad is analyzed from four aspects: the basic theory of curriculum evaluation, the development course of curriculum evaluation, the mode of curriculum evaluation and the meta-evaluation of curriculum evaluation, and its enlightenment is explained. This paper defines several core concepts, such as local colleges and universities, curriculum evaluation and evaluation mechanism. The second part is the present situation and the reason analysis. Based on the relevant research results and the actual situation, the problems and causes of the curriculum evaluation mechanism in local colleges and universities are deeply analyzed. The main problems of curriculum evaluation in local colleges and universities in China are: the consciousness of curriculum evaluation is not strong; the subject of curriculum evaluation is single; the standard of curriculum evaluation is not scientific; the model of curriculum evaluation is not perfect; and the management of curriculum evaluation is not perfect. The fundamental reason is the one-sided understanding of the idea of curriculum evaluation in local colleges and universities and the deviation of the objective of curriculum evaluation. The third part is a comparative study. Summing up the experience of curriculum evaluation in foreign universities: emphasizing multi-dimensional curriculum evaluation; constructing a detailed curriculum evaluation system; paying attention to the evaluation of curriculum resources; attaching importance to the meta-evaluation of curriculum evaluation and drawing inspiration from it. The fourth part is the theoretical research. This paper introduces the types and models of curriculum evaluation in local colleges and universities. According to different classification standards, the types of curriculum evaluation in local colleges and universities are: diagnostic evaluation, formative evaluation and summative evaluation, self-evaluation and external evaluation. Quantitative and qualitative evaluation. The basic models of curriculum evaluation in local colleges and universities are: Taylor's objective (goal) evaluation model, Stavelby's CIPP evaluation model, Skryven's goal-free evaluation model, Stark's exterior (countenance) evaluation model, etc. Response evaluation model and interpretation model. The fifth part puts forward the strategy of constructing the curriculum evaluation mechanism of local colleges and universities in our country. In concept, we should establish a clear awareness of curriculum evaluation, formulate scientific criteria for curriculum evaluation, perfect the evaluation index system of curriculum, and develop a practical curriculum evaluation model. Finally, a reasonable curriculum evaluation mechanism is formed.
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