[Abstract]:From the small scale mortgage guarantee loan at the beginning of our country's college loan to the large-scale credit agreement in the later period, the higher education is flourishing and flourishing under the strong injection of financial market funds. But its negative effect has already manifested, the university is mired in the debt bog does not have the intention to run a school. The solution of university loan debt, whether by means of finance, marketization, taxation and law, has already reached the necessary time. Scholars have not yet formed a unified understanding of how to construct the legal relationship of civil loans in colleges and universities, and there is still a lot of room for study. Based on this, this paper tries to make a systematic analysis of the legal relationship and legal status in the issue of college loans in China from the legal point of view, puts forward legal suggestions, and provides an effective solution for the way out of college loans in the future. It is expected to be of benefit to the reconstruction of the legal relationship and the practical solution of the problems of college loans in China. From the point of view of law, this paper mainly studies the solution of university loan from the following three aspects: (1) the analysis of the legal relationship of university loan. Firstly, the legal status and property right of legal person are defined clearly, and then the legal relationship of university loan is analyzed deeply. (2) the four ways and the essence of resolving the loan debts of colleges and universities. At present, there are four main ways to resolve the loan debt in our country: land replacement, college repayment, government repayment and reward policy. After in-depth analysis, it is found that the government is the actual bearer of university loan debt, and is it legal for the government to repay the loan? Is college debt a public debt? Does the government and universities have soft budget constraints? These questions are analyzed and answered in this paper. (3) to put forward some suggestions on the solution of university loan debt: reconstructing the legal relationship of university loan; Under the framework of civil legal relations, the government, as the investor of colleges and universities, advocates the establishment of a new type of university loan relationship. The government, as an investor of colleges and universities, only takes on limited liability for university debts, and colleges and universities take on debts to the outside with all non-business assets. Banks should strictly guard against and control risks in their financial activities. Existing university loans are repaid by the government. According to the problems existing in the existing ways of resolving university debt, this paper expounds the legitimacy and rationality of government repayment from the angle of law and logic, and advocates that the government should bear the responsibility of repayment. In order to establish the classification system of college loans, college loans should be treated differently according to the purpose of loans, and the types of university loans should be classified into national development bank loans for infrastructure construction and commercial bank loans for non-infrastructure construction.
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