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发布时间:2018-11-18 11:35
【摘要】:学习拖延主要是指学习者一种有意而无必要地推迟启动或完成学习任务的行为。从20世纪80年代开始,高等教育与教育心理学开始共同关注大学生学习拖延这一重要领域。国外的大量研究表明,学习拖延在大学生中普遍存在,并且对大学生的学习成绩、情绪和自尊具有消极影响。本研究的目的在于了解我国大学生学习拖延的现状,以及研究大学生学习拖延和成就目标定向、完美主义之间的关系,为学习拖延及其相关影响因素的研究积累资料,并且为教育实践中减少大学生的学习拖延提供理论的依据和新的视角。 本研究采取整群随机取样法,在南京理工大学、南京审计学院、黑龙江大学、哈尔滨理工大学(荣成学院)的本科生中选取有效被试441名,采用修订后的学习拖延量表(PASS),四分成就目标定向量表和中文版Frost多维完美主义量表为测量工具,探讨了当前我国大学生学习拖延、成就目标定向和完美主义的人口学特点及其之间的关系,最后将几个因素相结合,建构出了大学生学习拖延的影响因素模型。主要得出以下结论: 1.修订的学习拖延量表的信效度指标均符合心理测量学的要求。 2.大学生总体学习拖延程度不高,并且在学习任务上的拖延程度高于非学习任务上的拖延程度。 3.总体学习拖延和其它各类任务的拖延在性别、学科、独生子女情况上差异不显著,不同年级的大学生总体学习拖延和其它各类任务的拖延上差异显著:不同生源地的大学生在学习任务拖延上差异显著,县城学生的拖延程度显著高于城市与农村。 4.大学生学习拖延的七种原因分别为:厌恶任务、害怕失败、缺乏自信、反抗、冒险、依赖及时间管理。男生更多的以缺乏自信、反抗为理由,而女生更多地赞同害怕失败,并且差异显著。农村大学生更多地赞同厌恶任务和缺乏自信,且显著高于城市大学生。相对于独生子女,非独生的大学生更倾向以冒险为理由,且差异显著。而在不同年级与学科类型上,大学生学习拖延原因的七个因子均无显著性差异。 5.大学生成就目标定向在成绩趋近维度上男女之间存在显著差异;不同年级的大学生在成绩趋近、掌握趋近和成绩回避维度上存在显著性差异;不同学科类型、生源地和独生子女情况的大学生在成就目标定向的四个维度上均不存在显著差异。 6.大学生完美主义总分及其各个维度在学科类型、地区、独生子女情况上差异不显著。不同性别大学生在担心错误、条理性、个人标准和行动疑虑维度上存在显著差异;不同年级的大学生在完美主义总分、担心错误和父母期望上存在显著差异。 7.大学生学习拖延和成就目标定向、完美主义之间存在显著相关。 8.大学生完美主义在成就目标定向各个维度与学习拖延之间起完全中介作用。
[Abstract]:Learning procrastination mainly refers to the learners' behavior of deliberately and unnecessarily delaying the initiation or completion of learning tasks. Since 1980's, higher education and educational psychology have paid close attention to the important field of procrastination of college students. A large number of studies abroad have shown that learning procrastination is common among college students and has a negative impact on their academic performance, mood and self-esteem. The purpose of this study is to understand the current situation of college students' learning procrastination in China, and to study the relationship between learning procrastination, achievement goal orientation and perfectionism, so as to accumulate data for the study of learning procrastination and its related influencing factors. It also provides a theoretical basis and a new angle of view for reducing the procrastination of college students in educational practice. Using cluster random sampling method, 441 effective subjects were selected from Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing Audit College, Heilongjiang University and Harbin University of Technology (Rongcheng College). The revised Learning procrastination scale (PASS),) was used. The Quaternary Achievement goal orientation scale and the Chinese version of the Frost Multidimensional perfectionism scale are used as measurement tools to explore the demographic characteristics and the relationship between the demographic characteristics of current Chinese college students' learning procrastination, achievement goal orientation and perfectionism. Finally, by combining several factors, a model of influencing factors of college students' learning procrastination is constructed. The main conclusions are as follows: 1. The reliability and validity of the revised Learning procrastination scale met the requirements of psychometrics. 2. The degree of procrastination of college students is not high, and the degree of procrastination in learning tasks is higher than that in non-learning tasks. 3. There was no significant difference in gender, subject, and only child status between the overall learning procrastination and other types of task procrastination. There were significant differences in the overall learning procrastination between the students of different grades and other kinds of tasks: there were significant differences in the procrastination between the students in different places and the students in the county town were significantly higher than those in the urban and rural areas. 4. There are seven reasons for procrastination: loathing task, fear of failure, lack of confidence, resistance, adventure, dependence and time management. Boys were more likely to argue for lack of self-confidence and resistance, while girls were more sympathetic to fear of failure, with significant differences. Rural college students were more in favor of disgust and lack of self-confidence, and were significantly higher than urban college students. Compared with the only child, the non-only-born college students tend to take risks, and the difference is significant. However, in different grades and subject types, there were no significant differences among the seven factors of students' procrastination. 5. There are significant differences in achievement goal orientation between men and women in the approach dimension of achievement. There are significant differences in the dimensions of achievement convergence, mastery and achievement avoidance among different grade students, while there are no significant differences in the four dimensions of achievement goal orientation among the students of different subject types, student origin and only child situation. 6. The total score of perfectionism and its dimensions have no significant difference in subject types, regions, and only children. There were significant differences between different genders in the dimensions of worrying about error, organization, personal standard and behavior doubt, while there were significant differences in the total scores of perfectionism, fear of error and parents' expectation among different grade students. 7. There is a significant correlation between learning procrastination, achievement goal orientation and perfectionism. 8. The perfectionism of college students plays a complete intermediary role between each dimension of achievement goal orientation and learning procrastination.


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