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发布时间:2018-12-07 08:26
【摘要】:青少年是建设有中国特色社会主义的重要力量,青少年的成长关系着国家的发展和民族的未来。在全球化、市场经济、网络文化的大背景下,面对利益的多元化、物质和金钱的诱惑、各种思潮的影响等,青少年不同程度地出现了价值观混乱、道德失范、精神荒芜等现象,因此,加强、改进和完善青少年思想政治教育成为摆在我们面前的一项重要而迫切的任务。 同时,公民教育正在成为世界各国普遍关注的课题,国外许多国家在公民教育上取得了不少成功的经验,而国外公民教育与我国青少年思想政治教育在内容、方法、手段、途径、管理等方面都存在着诸多交叉共通之处,所以完全可以为我国的青少年思想政治教育提供有益的借鉴。本文即试图总结国外公民教育的经验,并借此进一步完善我们的青少年思想政治教育。全文共分为四个部分: 第一章是文章的绪论部分,通过对文章选题背景和选题意义、国内外研究现状的介绍,研究思路和研究方法的陈述,为本课题研究奠定基本的研究框架,梳理出清晰的逻辑思路。 第二章主要是对公民教育与思想政治教育概念的界定以及二者关系的解析。通过详细介绍公民教育与思想政治教育的内涵,深入剖析国外公民教育与我国思想政治教育的异同,在比较的基础上,提出我国青少年思想政治教育借鉴国外公民教育的必要性和可能性。 第三章首先重点介绍了几个较有代表性的国家的公民教育,即美洲的美国、欧洲的法国、亚洲的新加坡和日本,并从中总结出国外公民教育在内容、方法、途径、管理等方面的特色及其对我国青少年思想政治教育的启示,为我国青少年思想政治教育的改进和完善提供必要的借鉴。 第四章是本文的落脚点和归宿。即面对现代化和全球化的宏观背景、针对市场经济和网络时代带来的新问题和新挑战,通过借鉴国外公民教育的成功经验和有益启示,从青少年思想政治教育的内容、方法、途径、教师队伍建设等方面着手,,不断改进和完善我国的青少年思想政治教育,使青少年思想政治教育的实效性进一步提高。
[Abstract]:Youth is an important force in building socialism with Chinese characteristics. The growth of teenagers is related to the development of the country and the future of the nation. Under the background of globalization, market economy and network culture, faced with the diversification of interests, the temptation of material and money, the influence of various ideological trends and so on, young people have appeared, to varying degrees, such phenomena as confusion of values, moral anomie, and desolation of spirit, etc. Therefore, it is an important and urgent task to strengthen, improve and perfect the ideological and political education of teenagers. At the same time, civic education is becoming a common concern in the world. Many foreign countries have gained a lot of successful experience in civic education, and foreign civic education and ideological and political education of young people in our country are contents, methods and means. There are many intersections in ways, management and so on, so it can provide useful reference for the ideological and political education of teenagers in our country. This paper attempts to sum up the experience of foreign civic education and further improve our ideological and political education. The full text is divided into four parts: the first chapter is the introduction of the article, through the background and significance of the topic, domestic and foreign research status, research ideas and research methods of the statement, This paper lays a basic research framework for this research, combing out clear logical thinking. The second chapter is the definition of the concept of civic education and ideological and political education and the analysis of the relationship between them. By introducing the connotation of civic education and ideological and political education in detail, and analyzing the similarities and differences between foreign civic education and China's ideological and political education, and on the basis of comparison, The necessity and possibility of using foreign civic education for reference in ideological and political education of teenagers in China are put forward. The third chapter focuses on the civic education of several representative countries, that is, the United States of America, France of Europe, Singapore and Japan of Asia, and summarizes the contents, methods and approaches of foreign civic education. The characteristics of management and its enlightenment to the ideological and political education of the teenagers in our country provide the necessary reference for the improvement and perfection of the ideological and political education of the young people in our country. The fourth chapter is the destination and destination of this paper. That is, facing the macro background of modernization and globalization, aiming at the new problems and challenges brought by the market economy and the network age, through drawing lessons from the successful experience and beneficial enlightenment of foreign civic education, from the contents and methods of ideological and political education for teenagers, Ways, teachers and other aspects of the building, constantly improve and improve our youth ideological and political education, so as to further improve the effectiveness of ideological and political education for young people.


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