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发布时间:2018-12-08 16:34
[Abstract]:At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, American university teachers became more and more professional, but the non-specialized board of directors lacked the professional ability of the school of management, and the concept of academic freedom was threatened, so the American Association of University Professors came into being at the right time. Since its establishment, it has been promoting academic freedom as a defender and legislator, improving the mutual governance of American colleges and universities, and exerting a profound influence on the healthy development of American higher education. The background, operating mechanism and function of the American Association of University Professors have a lot of enlightening or referential significance to the development and practice of higher education in the world today. There are great differences between cultural traditions and modern systems in the world, but in different cultural contexts, The higher education system under different social systems should follow the same educational law: "only in the atmosphere of academic freedom and university autonomy can we fully enjoy the right to education, teaching and research." Academic freedom and self-regulation of colleges and universities are the life of higher education. The American Association of University Professors is, to some extent, an organization to protect the life of higher education. There are great differences in the development level of higher education in various countries. Some countries already have world-class higher education, and some countries dream of having world-class higher education. The question of whether there should be an association of university professors, how the government and universities view and treat such organizations, how they relate to universities and governments, is worth thinking about. In particular, it is worth thinking about the dream of first-class higher education.
【作者单位】: 中南大学外国语学院;


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