[Abstract]:The 21 century is an era of rapid development of information technology. As a product of the new era, network culture has emerged quietly in China with its rapid development. However, just like the double-edged sword, when the network has the advantages of convenience, rich information resources and perfect sharing platform, some of its shortcomings are also exposed, which has brought a lot of adverse effects to college students. First of all, in the network, which is a free and open, equal and no authoritative communication platform, college students are influenced by a variety of values, making their immature value orientation appear confusion; Secondly, because of the convenience and rapidity of the network, college students rely more and more on the network, and even the situation of "no net for a moment" appears, which greatly reduces the realistic ability of college students. Finally, the occult nature of the network also causes some bad behaviors and phenomena to have the breeding channel, has eroded the university student's thought to a certain extent, causes the university student's ideological and moral quality to decline, the thought values distortion. Therefore, how to give college students ideological guidance and behavior guidance in the intricate network culture environment, help them to set up correct values, and become a better person, It is a severe challenge to college counselors under the new environmental situation. This article will start from the emergence and connotation of the network culture, expound its characteristics, then excavate the influence of the network culture on the college students' ideology and values from the favorable and disadvantageous aspects, and then carry on the thorough analysis to the adverse influence, seek the corresponding solution. Finally, through the cooperation of teachers, schools and society, we can create a good network living environment for college students and make them establish correct ideology and values.
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