[Abstract]:In 2011, the sixth Plenary session of the 17th CPC Central Committee, from the height of the overall layout of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, made a research plan for deepening the reform of the cultural system and promoting the great development and prosperity of the socialist culture, and proposed to promote the reform of the cultural system under the new situation. To create a new situation of social and cultural construction with Chinese characteristics and to build a socialist cultural power. The mass culture of contemporary China is an integral part of the socialist culture with Chinese characteristics and the basis for the great prosperity of the great development of socialist culture under the new situation. It is a kind of new cultural form which comes into being and develops along with the reform and opening up in the new period. It has quickly occupied the cultural market of China by ignoring the authority and the unstoppable vitality. Become an ordinary citizen, especially contemporary college students to obtain pleasure of a contemporary daily cultural form. The popular culture is neither pure gold nor pure garbage, but sprinkles some visible or invisible gold scraps in the rubbish, which is to be screened, collected and cast by college students with special eyes. In the process of screening, collecting and casting mass culture, contemporary college students have a positive impact on their values, but also have a variety of negative effects. Contemporary college students are the future of the motherland and the hope of the nation. It is very important for college students to have correct and positive values to resist the bad influence of popular culture. Therefore, it is of great significance to strengthen the influence of mass culture on contemporary college students' values and its countermeasures. This paper is divided into four parts: the first part: the overview of popular culture. This part of the mass culture and popular culture in China to make a simple exposition. The second part: the influence mechanism of mass culture and its dissemination. It mainly analyzes the mechanism and ways in which mass culture spreads its influence. The third part: the influence of mass culture on the value of college students. This part concretely analyzes the present situation of contemporary college students' values and the influence of mass culture on the positive and negative aspects of college students' values, and points out that the negative effects brought by mass culture are not conducive to the healthy growth of college students' body and mind. It is not good for college students to set up correct values. The fourth part: the countermeasures of the positive influence of mass culture on the values of contemporary college students. Positive and effective countermeasures should be taken on the negative effects of mass culture on the growth of college students, so as to shoulder the responsibility for the construction of mass culture and the guidance of college students' values. This paper mainly analyzes the value of popular culture, summarizes the positive and negative effects of Chinese popular culture on the values of contemporary college students, and puts forward corresponding countermeasures for the negative effects of mass culture on the values of college students. It is hoped that these countermeasures will be beneficial to the healthy growth of college students and help them to set up correct values.
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