[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up 30 years ago, our country has made great achievements in politics, economy, thought, culture and so on. At present, our country is undergoing the transition to urbanization, industrialization and modernization. At the same time, it is accompanied by the worldwide trend of internationalization, globalization and informatization. In this complex transition period, how to adapt to the changes and needs of the society, how to perfect the governance mode of the private colleges and universities, and how to promote the healthy development of the private education has become an important subject in front of the private colleges and universities. In this paper, governance theory, stakeholder theory and camera governance theory are combined at the theoretical level to study the governance model of private colleges and universities in China. Secondly, this article carries on the thorough investigation from the practice aspect, has selected three private colleges and universities as the research object, discovered that the transformation period our country private university governance pattern has the uncertainty, is not mature, does not perfect this one common characteristic. Thirdly, through the study of private education and corporate governance model in the transition period of the United States and Japan, the author summarizes the enlightenment to the governance model of private colleges and universities in China. Finally, through the practical, theoretical and historical level of research, from the school concept, university governance structure and governance mechanism, and government support, and so on. This paper puts forward some suggestions and countermeasures for optimizing and perfecting the governance mode of private colleges and universities in China during the transition period.
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