[Abstract]:No matter because of the impact of the financial crisis or the expansion of graduate students, the number of candidates for postgraduate entrance examination is still increasing every year. Accordingly, the number of female graduate students continues to increase, and the proportion of female graduate students is even higher than that of male graduate students. However, some data show that the employment rate of female graduate students is 6.4% lower than that of male graduate students. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the employment of female graduate students. On the basis of reading a large number of references, this paper makes an in-depth investigation on the employment concept and job search intention of female graduate students based on Marxist women's theory and western feminism theory. On the basis of questionnaire investigation and case interview, this paper probes into the problems existing in the employment of female graduate students and analyzes the causes of these problems. Finally, it puts forward the countermeasures from three aspects: society, school and female graduate students themselves. The purpose of this paper is to establish the career confidence of female graduate students and to provide practical guidance and help for them to choose their career development path.
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