[Abstract]:With the deepening of the cause of reform and opening up, the rapid development of science and technology, the transformation of social form, the intersection and impact of East and West culture, people's value orientation, life style and ideology have changed unprecedented. Among them, the pursuit of interests has become the starting point and destination for people to think about problems and do things, especially the value orientation and behavior cognition of college students nowadays are directly related to the judgment of moral public opinion, the quality and benefit of higher education. Socio-economic development and stability. As the responsibility of shaping the values of college students, the important task of Marxist theoretical education in colleges and universities should keep pace with the times, timely and targeted to strengthen the Marxist view of interest education, in order to enhance their self-sustainability. In order to achieve the harmony and unity of individuality and sociality, we can improve the correct understanding and discernment ability of individual's pursuit of interests by means of adjustable and suppressive. This article divides into four parts to the contemporary university student Marxism benefit view education question carries on the in-depth research. First, the connotation of Marxist view of interest. From the concept of interest, the main categories of Marxist theoretical education, Marx, Engels and Lenin on the concept of the content of Marxist interests. Second, the development and practice of Marxist view of interest in contemporary China. This paper focuses on the views of leaders since Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin and the 16th CPC National Congress on the issue of interests, and expounds their exploration, enrichment, development and application of Marxist view of interests. In order to find out the guiding ideology and theoretical basis of strengthening Marxist benefit education to college students. Thirdly, the deficiency of the content of interest view in Marxist theory education in colleges and universities and the problems caused by it. This chapter focuses on the deficiency of interest view in Marxist theoretical education in colleges and universities in China and a series of personal and social problems caused by the deficiency. So as to prove the necessity of the Marxist theory education in colleges and universities to join the content of Marxist interest view education. Fourthly, the way to perfect the educational mode of Marxist view of interest. This paper mainly studies and discusses how to improve the content of Marxist interest view in the Marxist theory of colleges and universities, how to cultivate the Marxist interest view of college students, and how to strengthen and guide college students to practice Marxist interest view and so on.
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